General Discussion

General Discussionaether lens + aghs tinker = legit?

aether lens + aghs tinker = legit? in General Discussion

    I think we could have won if it weren't for my team bickering at each other, especially the invoker and slardar in that game.


      I think you would've been better with a scythe or an eblade personally.


        I was building towards a scythe there but we were already pushed in by that time so I guess yeah I should have built that earlier. As for eblade+dagon, I'm kinda moving away from that build when I don't have any reliable initiators or roamers in my queue. I feel if inserted to a proper draft, aether lens + aghs is a pretty legit build, particulary to counter enemy team pushes or for counter-initiation strats.


          I wasn't suggesting an eblade+dagon combo. Just the eblade would be good that game to use on a dueled teammate, or to use on sven or legion after they used their bkb's.


            i dont see much sense in aether lens on this hero


              tinker needs slots and buying a 2k gold item like aether lens is not optimal imo
              aghs is situational and it's very good against pl/meepo/ck
              my build for that game would have probably been hex > linkens


                  lol waste..... get a hex wtf is this 3k shit game


                    inb4 pros do the build and ppl are like "ye aether lens is legit because :reasons:"


                      on paper tinker with lens might sounds good, but it's not really efficient on him. it's 2k gold and the buff is kind of negligible. with agh you could laser a creep from a safe distance and still hit enemy hero(s) with laser bounce. in this game case, imo disable like hex/eblade is better. also (on paper) dagon build was a viable option here, since you have silencer to help you enter the combat safely.