General Discussion

General DiscussionHOW IS THAT POSSIBLE 4

HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE 4 in General Discussion

    I just won a game where my teammates died at rune and the score was 4-0

    i was 1-3 as solo safelane slark vs sky slardar, our mid was 0-4 vs qop, and bot was 0-2 vs pugna

    bloodseeker jungler meta confrimed OP? 6k zeus smurf confirmed?

    Low Expectations

      Normal skill...


        high quality thread

        < blank >

          ayy lmao


            all threads should have high quality normal skill games like mine keepo 4head


              all threads with "HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE (number)" is a high quality thread rofl


                ^ true dat

                no one can beat the quality these threads have


                  normal skill and weaboo, high quality.