General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play lone druid?

How to play lone druid? in General Discussion

    I want to know how to play ld and how to micro the bear.
    what item choices
    what times do u start fighting at
    item timings


        watch Gameplays of bulldogs

        the realm's delight

          i learned microing him by having 3 separate binds 1 for hero 1 for bear and 1 for both (that ones in the client settings). u can also do it with tab thing if ure more comfortable with it
          items i think u usually get qb stout phase boots midas radiance ac basher vlads on hero if u need to end with ur team, abyssal, bkb/mkb if needed, moonshard. if u cant fight and need to rat aghs is good too, bots on both hero and bear late game.
          ive seen both rtz and bulldog skip phase boots sometimes and get iron talon instead
          i dont know if this is legit but i like getting refresher on hero once bear is 6 slotted
          if ur team already has a radiance carrier (tell them not to get it but ye) get maelstrom instead
          timings and w/e depend on ur position

          oh and oov on bear + cloak on hero


            Go jungle
            Buy aghs
            Afk in base for rest of game enjoying the fact you will never die.