General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play offlane Void?

How to play offlane Void? in General Discussion
yung griphook

    skill build, item build, what should yo be aiming to accomplish on the hero?


      Max Timewalk, the 6 sec cooldown is so important. Depending on the match-up, a "value" point in Time Lock and then 2nd max Time Dilation.

      items: Iron Talon > Vlad's > Blink > Agh's. Boots should be treads for tread switching

      Mr. Furryhentai

        max stats and go diffusal manta and ignore what this ledditor above me said

        yung griphook

          whats the reasoning behind going blink? and no damage items?


            You´re not the carry, you´re an initiator with Chrono, and the 600(?) Range in Time Walk is just not enough for a proper Initiatiot

            That´s pretty much it..


              offlane void is not supposed to deal dmg, u need to set good chrono and mb provide ur team with good auras. drums ar enot rly good on void imo, so basically follow what skim said.

              yung griphook

                thanks guys


                  But this depends a lot on the team. If u have a lot of malees u must get dmg, cose no one is gonna do dmg inside your chrono. Otherwise I can agree with the above...