General Discussion

General DiscussionI don't even... what.

I don't even... what. in General Discussion

    I don't see anything that strange. They had an Anti-mage that began to be a threat around the 35 min mark. Barracks hadn't been taken so you lost. Was there anything else strange about it?

      Yes, how incompetent the team was.
      Even told Ember before he picked that his pick probably wasn't a good idea. D:



        how the fuck did you not manage to win that shit u were 23-1


          I think the ember wants his Ember Set from Battle Pass.
          And has no idea about the hero.


            AM lategame with no counter, and bkb LC, so its was only a matter of time. Time witch your team wasted...


              They wasted a lot of time, because someone bought Midas. =)