General Discussion

General DiscussionKept you waiting, huh?

Kept you waiting, huh? in General Discussion

    Most of you probably thought I was dead, but I'm here to tell you that I finally got good at editing videos to the point where it's acceptable.
    Now this is my latest video I want your guys opinion on it.

    Be honest. If you have nothing nice to say, say it. Most likely, I will accept it and feed off your anger. X3


      Yo remember le primo Tag


        Thx for the catch.

        It's there, not showing up for some reason though

        Welt aus Eis

          honestly just tell me 1 reason anybody would watch you

          Livin' Real Good

            Don't like your videos, but huge step up from that shitty first one you put out, wp.


              @sano lol its a hobby dude, don't get ur Jimmies rustled.

              @Yorkey it's cool to hate, I'm just here for some feedback similar to my first video. Also thx

              Livin' Real Good

                It's cool to hate? You can't just dismiss anyone who doesn't like your videos as a troll or hater, the same way dumb people do in arguments. I genuinely don't like your videos, and all I said was that it's a huge step up from your first video, so that's a compliment in itself.

                Welt aus Eis

                  was a legit question though


                    Episode 4?


                      Yep. Episode 2 and 3 were test videos.

                      @yorkey what I mean is I respect your opinion on disliking my videos. In no regard did I mean to dismiss it whatsoever

                      D the Superior

                          where have you been for 24 days catboy?


                            Taking a break from dota 2 and pc, waiting for my w2 money and purchased Camtasia.

                            All popped a tire and replaced it, but real world shineagins don't count