General Discussion

General Discussion3 month away, help me get up to date

3 month away, help me get up to date in General Discussion

    Well after 3 months without even opening the game I just did, and felt some changes around. Volvo looks to progress as usual on adding to-pay features ^^

    Can you please point out some major changes and how it modified old playstile? What happened to woods? How's warding now?Ç
    I do know replays n watchin live will help too, but I just want to read some opinions and what people is doing to benefit from new stuff.

    Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

      The map changed a little bit, and so warding. Look up for PPD's youtube video: Support Guide and you will get the latest warding spots.
      I looked at your profile and seems like you like to play carry. Just watch any pro players' streaming channel and copy them since it's what people doing nowadays. Game is a lot easier now ( How I missed the time in Dota 1.. ). As a support player, I cannot give you much about current meta carries

      plz do

        first pick spectre or invoker every round #roadtoeightthousandmmr


          Map changed, new items added, some heroes are broken (invoker spectre etc)

          Pale Mannie

            OD is fine
            Aether lens was broken and got fixed
            Faerie Fire is shit
            Arc Warden is a fishbowl
            Invoker everywhere
            Earth Spirit is Nerf Spirit