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General DiscussionRage Thread

Rage Thread in General Discussion

    Went into a normal match expecting nothing from my teammates(I mean why would you) but even then my expectations were too low, for what would happen: CM buys bkb first(no wards), because of no wards juggernaut goes trolling(dying to ancients, farming whole game and dying on purpose, putting wards next to towers) and again I lose a game that was a easy win for me with 16000 exp lead.
    This game is ridiculous sometimes, how do you deal with retarded dumbfucks?

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      Normal skill

      < blank >

        Sam Smith - Omen

        Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

          I tend to play a lot of (unranked) party queue with some irl friends. They are all new and such so most games are in normal skill - high skill bracket. These are some things I learned while playing with them and other "dumbfuck" teammates:
          - Tell your team what to do, and I mean EVERYTHING. Tell them which lanes they should go, tell them not to pick a jungler, tell them not to rush straight midas, tell them to buy some early/mid game items before going for that Radiance, tell them to siege this tower in X time, tell them to go back after you took a T3 and the entire enemy team respawned. Assume that every single one of your teammates are incapable of making a single good decision.
          - I usually go solo offlane and pick something greedy like Timbersaw or Beastmaster. If you pick e.g. Timber you will be able to get most exp in lane since supports are horrible at zoning, they will either mess-up creep equilibrium so you get free exp under your tower or just stand there and sap exp. They wont even utilize the pull camp or god forbid deward it when you blocked it. And after you reach level 6 with Timber you got soo much gold in your lane, you can just dive the level 4 enemy carry with your soulring, arcane boots and magic wand.
          - Buy your own wards. Yes, even if you are carry. Wards are cheap ass-F and when you have a support he will only put them down on the river rune-spots or those marked eye thingies. If you're carry and placing two defensive wards so you can farm jungle and push lane safely will net you a lot more gold than not buying the wards and having to back-off because some enemies went missing.
          - Deward. Like I said at lower brackets wards are very predictable. Also enemy supports do not even care if they are seen warding a spot. Use this to your advantage and suppress their vision. Yes, also deward as a core since your supports are probably incapable of this and are heavily lacking gold because of their inefficient support play-style.

          Maybe something helpful for ya.


            That is actually some fine advice, never thought about how buying defensive wards as carries pays off


              i feel you bro!!!!!!

              I had carried the team with an 18,000 advantage... and my teammates wont ward wont listen to me wont push and this naix also in jungle the entire time... game lasted 1:12 .... unbelievable!


                ^ I was unsure about your ethereal dagon 5 build for a moment, but it was pretty good against their team considering they have only glass cannons(until AM gets farmed), but it seems that you were a bit underfarmed, considering how long the game was and that you weren't six slotted