General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is your favorite doto snack n drink?

What is your favorite doto snack n drink? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    You know, when playing some dotes, unranked or ranked, serious or just playin around, thoughts? Pics probly naise so I can try out dem snacks n drinks :]]


      I only drink water - I hate hot drinks, not old enough to buy alchohol in my country and don't want nasty sugary shit fucking my teeth so water fine
      And I barely eat: never more than 2 meals a day sometimes 1 so no extra snacks please


      Bad Intentions

        Piknik Ketchup flavor and Brewed Iced Tea mann :]]

        Damn just water mann? Cmon mann get some snacks n more fud mann :]




            Dire Wolf

              Well I usually play at night and just drink water, no snacks cus I'm between dinner and bed and not hungry. If I somehow get on during the day it's monsters low carb (I think it's the best tasting diet monster) or diet dew. I don't eat at my PC. I drink a lot of beer but not during matches as they either get warm during a match or I run out and can't get a refill during live game.

              But if I had a go to snack for dota it'd probably be funyuns or jalapeno kettle chips, kruncher's brand is the best one or jimmy john's. Doritos and jalapeno cheddar cheetos are awesome too but way too messy for keyboards.


                I drink the blood of my enemies and eat their flesh


                  Basically a christian
                  (>inb4 banned)

                  Pale Mannie

                    Water and occasionally MtDew

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Some Turkish specials and coke or ice-tea, whatever I have. Or simply nothing.

                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                        First two, third one is shit.

                        D the Superior

                            My tears of BabyRage

                              < blank >

                                Water and cereal/sandwich

                                acc buyers in my team

                                  HOLY SHIT HE EATS BUTTER WITH A SPOON


                                    Yes, why?

                                    acc buyers in my team

                                      You sir either have a very impressively high metabolic rate or you're fat as fuck.


                                        Butter is good for you, it improves your immune system.

                                        acc buyers in my team

                                          more liek dis.


                                            It's not my fault that you choose to be a weakling with shit tier immune system.

                                            acc buyers in my team

                                              I heff stronk immune system. I get like sick for a very short time once every 3 years or so and i don't eat butter at all,so i cal bullshit.


                                                Your immune system is very bad.

                                                acc buyers in my team

                                                  ur dick is very bad

                                                  #rekt smallson

                                                    < blank >

                                                      Yes, he is

                                                      play for fan

                                                        you're playing dota and eatndrink shit but i eatndrink dota
                                                        thats why you are 2k and im 6k

                                                        A. Snatcher

                                                          Beer, lots and lots of beer. . . maybe too much beer.

                                                          yung griphook

                                                            i came here to answer OP, now I just miss zyzz

                                                            Livin' Real Good

                                                              Cheez it's and Apple Juice, believe it or not.


                                                                butter cookies with milk
                                                                best meal ever


                                                                  Campari with lots of ice.

                                                                  Welt aus Eis

                                                                    alcoholic admin FailFish

                                                                    < blank >

                                                                      No wonder ranking system update takes aegis


                                                                        Rum. Usually Captain Morgan, Mount Gay, or Sailor Jerry. Yo ho ho!

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          my three year old eats cheeze its and apple juice... while she watches care bears on netflix.

                                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                                            damnn i noticed a wide variety of drinks n snacks here, are ya guys really serious bout dem hard drinks? Im ashamed only drinking iced tea lol :]]

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              honestly dota isn't that fun drunk, too much to focus on. I'd rather drink watching a game on tv or something.


                                                                                yea its not the best. i dont really get drunk.. just have 1 or 2 rums with my doto to relax after work

                                                                                A. Snatcher

                                                                                  Dire is right. It's fun for the first match, but if you keep going it really makes things difficult.
                                                                                  Took me a few sessions to realize >3 drinks is not desirable if you want to be semi competent.


                                                                                    (alcoholic excuses)

                                                                                    A. Snatcher

                                                                                      I went like 0-19 w/ Kunka while sauced after a party.
                                                                                      Was at a friend's and the Kunka game started at like 2am, while I had been drinking hard since 6pm.
                                                                                      Too much booze just takes any and every weakness you have when sober, and then makes you repeat those mistakes ad nauseum.
                                                                                      Suppose that's the same IRL too.

                                                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                                                        Probly not too drunk? Ya know just a couple of shots to get warmed up for dotes? :]

                                                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                                                          Yo ceesa, got some cap morgan down there in AU? Man dats some gud stuff :]

                                                                                          A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                                                                            I don't eat snacks cause they greasy and it gets annoying fast cleaning your finger everytime.

                                                                                            I just drink like juice and flavored tea.


                                                                                              Thoughts? Thoughts?


                                                                                                Rum n cokes BadIntentions, just sip n chill.. Yea Capt Morgan in New Zealand, it sure is..


                                                                                                  Water and Dr Pepper.

                                                                                                  Literally one of my videos ruined by a spill of water.

                                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                    I have a youtube channel. Did you guys get that? Don't forget I have a youtube channel with videos, because I do.

                                                                                                    D the Superior
                                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                        You mean "none of you"? BTW I don't really have a youtube channel. But somebody else does, and he has videos on it. And he needs to bring it up every once in a while in cause you forgot, that he has a youtube channel, with videos.