General Discussion

General Discussionlegit questions on mmr and ranked.

legit questions on mmr and ranked. in General Discussion

    so im asking a somewhat statistical question, so if anyone who is knowledgeable about such stuff pls help.

    so this is a fairly new account. and i noticed that valve matches you with people with similar number of games. so if the ppl u play with are all new, how does valve assign a mmr value thats relevant to the rest of the dota population? for example. i'm getting high skill games now. which means that valve has assigned approx 3000 points to me. but the problem is im playing with all new players all the time. how does valve know that im worth that amount if they restrict us to a specific group of only new players?

    1) wouldnt there be like a group effect, where 3000 mmr for new players would be different from 3000 mmr for experienced players? like how does valve know we are worth that amount at all if they don't benchmark us to an established pool of 3000 mmr players from a larger sample.

    2) i've also seen some ppl with less games than me already have ranked games. why am i still not allowed to play ranked?

    ✪ alex

      for number two, you can play ranked if you're profile level is level 8 and have a party with someone that has a level trophy of lv 50 or more, then you can play party mmr. for solo mmr, you really need to have level 50 trophy. glhf hope you be in the 2k brackets I really mean it


        high skill smurf bracket is just a bracket with high uncertainty where smurfs are placed
        if you keep playing you will get a ~3.5k starting point for calibrations, thats all
        you can even calibrate 4k+ and then ruin my games, or calibrate 2k


          if all smurfs are placed into the same pool. how do they know the actual skill level of such players?


            because there's ton of smurfs


              also i more often than not get TBD morons who have less than 200 games played when i have over 3000 so your argument is invalid

              < blank >

                Also a legit question is why is today Wednesday, working is so shiet


                  arin, i guess there's like a threshold, where after u hit acertain amount of games u get put in regular pool

                  < blank >

                    Are those beefballs in a soup? I like that shit


                      mate kendrick. i see u play in europe. so u must not be familiar with the goodness of SEA beefballs


                        2) you only have like 55 matches ofc you can't play ranked yet your trophy level is still pretty low.

                        mine is also a legit question why is my exp trophy stuck at 39 wtf.


                          I had the same question, valve considers IP address and thinks all accounts related to that IP are smurfs ?