General Discussion

General DiscussionSF no Raze meta Offlane . thoughts ?

SF no Raze meta Offlane . thoughts ? in General Discussion
Sp1d3rDud0ng look at this match I tried sf no raze just 1st and 3rd offlane ( alche wants mid badly so i gave him ) I built early medallion and madness .
    It was not a 1 sided game, we both have same HD . So what are your thoughts about this and suggestions about this meta


      I've seen armlet sf no raze.....


        Armlet would be nice but sf is not str so not really that good :(


          As offlane u could ask your supports to stack jungle and still skill razes

          Riguma Borusu

            as offlane youcan stack the hard camp yourself and still skill razes, though sf was kinda killed by the jungle and raze nerf and he has nothing going for him to be offlane, he needs a ton of CS to be able to contest anything, he needs a ton of exp so dual laning with him is a no-no, and he's gonna be shut down and with 3 souls at 8 minutes if he's lucky, there's no reason to go sf offlane unless you first pick it and get retards to force you to offlane

            Livin' Real Good


              1 Armor nerf
              Raze Nerf

              Super squishy as it is, and was always easy to gank if he's mid, so offlane? He'd probably have no chance, the dude actually needs farm, not just levels.

              the realm's delight

                Livin' Real Good

                  Yeah, you make me sick too.


                    Hi I won 1 game with a shit build its sooo legit dude



                      Dire Wolf

                        the match doesn't make sense, how are your first three talents necromastery? Game won't let you spec anything to skill lvl 2 until you are hero lvl 3...

                        matthew machuck

                          save skill points


                            you cant do shit in the laning stage, u dont provide ur team with anything later. senseless.

                            Синячий патруль

                              310 lh at 46 min sf. This is enough i guess

                              Venus, MBA

                                POTDL -3 armor pushes lane so hard early stage to enemy tower which puts you at great risk of getting ganked if you farm near their tower.

                                  Livin' Real Good

                                    There was a reason they made him make mek, instead of supports, when *given the chance to farm* he can farm up the quickest shit, and in offlane, he wouldn't be able to accomplish that


                                      you might be suprised running sf + medallion in offlane he hits so hard he rekts enemy in 5-7 hits


                                        u die in 1 nuke
                                        same as jungle sf but u can at least take free rosh


                                          i pick any normal dota 2 support and offlane sf has to hug tower


                                            if by offlane sf u mean farming-the-offlane-camp-not-really-offlane-sf then ok


                                              ^then u could jungle to start with. and not with sf preferrably

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                Another issue that's kinda overlooked is that if you're playing SF you actually need a ton of farm to keep up, if you have a mid and safelane that also need farm, where are you going to farm past the laning stage, considering lanes aren't going to be safe that often, your jungling is nerfed a fuckton and you need to farm up to keep up and not get blown up/be useless?

                                                It's kinda the same issue with running a greedy lineup with a greedy carry jungler, this gets worse because now your offlaner doesn't provide any specific utility in terms of lockdown, but needs a ton of farm to be able to keep up with damage, unlike typical offlaners who get a few core items and jump around fucking people.
