General Discussion

General DiscussionArc Warden

Arc Warden in General Discussion

    I don't see this hero enough despite how good he is. He can fight, he can rat, he has good early game and a broken end game. He comes online really fast at the 10~ min mark with a good start.

    Some people say he's only good for securing games you would've won in the first place but that's not true? I'm not good at him and he still feels strong.

    Also the patch monsters like spec and etc aren't MKB holders and can't stop his rat late game.


      if your team cant keep lanes pushed out you wont be able to do anything. His biggest weakness is his ult only lasts 20 seconds. 3 seconds for tp you can use necro book but your actually ult hero will get to push one wave and by that time your necro minions will just get farmed by the enemy. If the lanes arent pushed out all you can do is farm creep waves. He can't single handedly win a game but he can tip the table on a close game or speed up an already won game

      Riguma Borusu


          He is also probably underplayed for how good of a hero he is in pubs. He is a micro hero. Most players stay away from micro intensive heros. It's true that a decent percent of people love them, but it would still tip the scale downward.

          Dire Wolf

            Hes micro, nuff said.

            Why do pubs never play visage despite him being one of the best supports?