General Discussion

General DiscussionComment about the person above you's most used 5 items

Comment about the person above you's most used 5 items in General Discussion

    DO NOT BUY ANY CHESTSfrom the battlepass. I have bought 30 chests to try to obtain at least 1 rare, or ultra rare.
    I paid 100 dollars and I see them going for 160 dollars on the community market. How is this fair? What is the point of buying chests
    when most people buy it individually in the market to save money. I really want that DP set and why is it worth more than 1 arcana? Why do I have to pay
    100+ dollars. Gambling shouldn't exist in dota. It's a scam to earn more money and very greedy.

    I really l hope TI prize pool goes down this year. I won't be paying for any grind compendium again or treause as it's a waste of time, money
    and you got nothing from it. To those who try to make money on this game get a job. Thank you


      DO NOT BUY ANY CHESTSfrom the battlepass. I have bought 30 chests to try to obtain at least 1 rare, or ultra rare.
      I paid 100 dollars and I see them going for 160 dollars on the community market. How is this fair? What is the point of buying chests
      when most people buy it individually in the market to save money. I really want that DP set and why is it worth more than 1 arcana? Why do I have to pay
      100+ dollars. Gambling shouldn't exist in dota. It's a scam to earn more money and very greedy.

      I really l hope TI prize pool goes down this year. I won't be paying for any grind compendium again or treause as it's a waste of time, money
      and you got nothing from it. To those who try to make money on this game get a job. Thank you


        DO  NOT  BUY  ANY  CHESTSfrom  the  battlepass.  I  have  bought  30  chests  to  try  to  obtain  at  least  1  rare,  or  ultra  rare. 
        I  paid  100  dollars  and  I  see  them  going  for  160  dollars  on  the  community  market.  How  is  this  fair?  What  is  the  point  of  buying  chests 
        when  most  people  buy  it  individually  in  the  market  to  save  money.  I  really  want  that  DP  set  and  why  is  it  worth  more  than  1  arcana?  Why  do  I  have  to  pay 
        100+  dollars.  Gambling  shouldn't  exist  in  dota.  It's  a  scam  to  earn  more  money  and  very  greedy.
        I  really  l  hope  TI  prize  pool  goes  down  this  year.  I  won't  be  paying  for  any  grind  compendium  again  or  treause  as  it's  a  waste  of  time,  money
        and  you  got  nothing  from  it.  To  those  who  try  to  make  money  on  this  game  get  a  job.  Thank  you


          tp is like my 12th item does that make me nub?

          Bad Intentions

            Yo Time warp, damn top 12? thats a tough stretch man :]

            Riguma Borusu

                thats a lot of blade mail


                  LC items on the go.

                  Riguma Borusu

                    ^Good shit man, four kinds of boots in top6 :D Very surprised to see magic wand there, however.

                    Люблю ментов

                      yet again ur pulling shit out of ur ass interpreting what i've said in your own twisted way and responding in an even weirder way. just stop it, i don't have the time or will to prepare u the full and complete answer pointing out every single bogus thing you've said and to help you understand what I mean by saying XXX where obviously you can put Y between x'es and clearly get the desired result. you definitely have trouble analysing and understanding text. Pseudointellectual in action. literally either a mentally retarded person or the next level of autism. visiting a psychiatrist might help u instead of shitting in these forums with ur 3k garbage

                      Bad Intentions

                        Yo road n tinker dude, settle this arguement the traditional old fashion doto way! mano a mano mann :]]

                        Roads LC vs Tinker dudes Tinker!

                        Interesting match up 😨

                        Riguma Borusu

                          Yo road n tinker dude, settle this arguement the traditional old fashion doto way! mano a mano mann :]]

                          You can't compare communication skills by playing DotA, especially if somebody can't use words properly, tends to be intellectually dishonest by twisting the context himself, and then blames others for calling them out on bullshit. This guy could as well be 6k on his main, that still won't make up for the fact he's fucking terrible at communicating and accepting that what he said is simply, blatantly wrong, and at every instance. Every time he tried to change what he meant, he was wrong again.

                          It's like those religious guys that scream "context! interpretation!" when you confront them with the bullshit from Bible, because apparently there's a correct context for smashing orphrans against rocks, and likewise a specifically worded absolute claim means something completely different that's factual.

                          I mean, saying:

                          So people who have tps in their top 3 are not playing cores.

                          Is just a downright fucking lie, and I can't believe this is even a thing worth arguing, how do you twist it to mean something else than it does? It's as an absolute statement as saying "People who play DotA are not named Steve" and even though that's probably true for most cases, finding one guy named Steve is enough to disprove this claim, so it's completely senseless, you can base that claim on the fact that you haven't met a guy who proclaimed his name's Steve in the game yet, but that anecdotal knowledge means absolutely nothing.
