General Discussion

General DiscussionI stopped getting reported after I get 10+ assists in a game

I stopped getting reported after I get 10+ assists in a game in General Discussion

    Why would I have to be a support (or play support role) in order to not get reported again?

    (I consider anything with more than 10 assists to be support)

    Road to 0k mmr

      Play support once, mute all your flaming carries, set up kills for them, unmute them, you'll get commended, it'll be worth your time

      Riguma Borusu

        Because you don't buy any useful items all game and might at least be useful with some spells.

        Also, the guy above me, no, that's not gonna happen, he's just gonna try to KS his carries rofl.

        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

          I don't mean support hero. I mean any hero with 10+ assists I count to be a support and any hero with 10+ kills to be carry. If you have 10+ kills and assists, you're a support-carry.

          Road to 0k mmr

            Most importantly, your favourite hero riki is countered by a support's play and not a carry's. All the games that you've lost are because of the opponent support players


              You didnt get reported but, did you get commends? I dont think so. Anyway I red something about who is commended, will be putted on a good bracket (no flaming carries, spammers, invo pickers, od pickers w.e.)

              Riguma Borusu

                I don't mean support hero.

                Ofc, that doesn't exist in your team at 300 MMR.

                I mean any hero with 10+ assists I count to be a support and any hero with 10+ kills to be carry.

                That's not how DotA works.

                If you have 10+ kills and assists, you're a support-carry.

                Some supports can be semi-carries but this depends on many things, like your item/skill build, net worth and what the enemy picks. And no, your spectre is not instantly a support just because you stole every fucking kill from her :)

                Most importantly, your favourite hero riki is countered by a support's play and not a carry's. All the games that you've lost are because of the opponent support players

                You overestimate this guy. He loses games because he kill steals everyone, buys stupid shit items, then kill steals more while doing the least damage in his team, the enemy then just pushes the base and wins. Look at his replays, he's legit terrible.

                Road to 0k mmr

                  And don't judge support and carry by stats, judge by farm priority and item preference, buy wards, dust and smoke(well, not in my level of play though), watch PPD and puppey playing in pro matches

                  Road to 0k mmr

                    I've never KS ed

                    Road to 0k mmr

                      I've never KS ed

                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                        Everyone has KSed



                            attention ***** detected (again)

                            Livin' Real Good

                              So that win rate went from a steady 33% to a 29%, nice.

                              Honestly, I've never felt this way before about anyone on these forums, but you being a typical beginner who "of course" flocks to Riki or Pudge makes your post that much more annoying. have a nice day though, but seriously...

                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                I don't play Pudge...

                                And I did tell you guys that rapiers helps me win, you didn't believe me. So I stopped buying rapiers because I do want to follow some of the advice I get here. And it made my winrate go down((((((

                                And you ask why I don't follow a lot of advice.


                                  It's actually insane how low a winrate this guy is able to get on his smurf playing rapier riki. Like I get a higher winrate by just afking in lane soaking exp.

                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                    I have a lower winrate playing no rapier Riki.

                                    The problem really isn't Rapier.


                                      You're right, the problem isn't really Rapier..

                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                        @ceesa thats all a lie

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          I actually watched that replay, and anybody who actually watched that replay as well would say the same xD

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              He's a hero to all 1ks because usually those guys can't really find anybody worse than them, and now there's this guy.