General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm not gonna build divine rapier in my next 5 games

I'm not gonna build divine rapier in my next 5 games in General Discussion

    (unless there's an AFK and divine intervention is needed)

    But feel free to spectate in 30 minutes, I'll also post here to see how it goes. If it goes well I might not use divine as much anymore.

    Feel free to spectate, I bet you I'm still gonna get flamed.

    (By the way, divine rapier isn't why people report me, they've usually already reported me before I even build a divine rapier)

    I just want to say that I've stomped so many games with divine rapier it's not fair that you tell me it's a bad item. But I'm gonna try without anyways. (I lost this one in the end, but still stomped) (also lost in the end but still stomped)



      Riguma Borusu

        I just want to say that I've stomped so many games with divine rapier it's not fair that you tell me it's a bad item. But I'm gonna try without anyways.

        "Look mom I've beaten a bunch of newborns with my balloon, it surely is a great weapon for war!"

        Also you don't know what stomping means.


          people telling you its bad are retards, im 5k and can guarantee you its a fantastic first item

          country bumpkin

            I dont always buy divine but when i do, its my first item. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

            Riguma Borusu

              Vohiyo is right I was mistaken, go divine pls.


                Damn, this forum hasn't been this fun since the PA-No_dagger-Headdress build guy.

                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  Game in 1 hour when I finish downloading the patch.

                  Riguma Borusu

                    It's actually been a while since I've been this eager to watch a game.

                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                      In game now playing Riki

                      Have the smurf though so I'm not sure I'm gonna stomp

                      Riguma Borusu

                        btw if you don't understand his vocabulary ^ smurf = anybody who can last hit a creep


                          sven guy can u watch this guy and post like an update log of the shit that he's doing. i would but im at work..

                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                            Okay no rapier.

                            Still got flamed.

                            We all lost.

                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                              Someday people will call me the MRiYE of Dota 2.


                                Well done.


                                  Lol lmao


                                    omg, sven guy+1

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      so lets watch this famed replay


                                        cant wait for sven guy's analysis :]


                                            Lol this guy. It also looks like 1k to me and i'm only 2.7k.

                                            Also, why on Riki. Like you have damage, but nothing else to offer. No stun, no hard disable. just a silence and damage. Rapier is a great item if all you need is damage, but it doesn't even give True Sight anymore.


                                              No one cares what you build.

                                              I strongly suggest you play with unfair bots a lot so you can practice different items. Bots put up a reasonably decent challenge, they just get slightly predictable in their rotations. This way you don't bring ur 30% win rate into peoples games. They click on ur name before match begins and see u never win , they will already be pissed.


                                              If you can carry againt unfair bots with a handful of heroes like 20 times in a row, u will understand dota enough where you can have 50% win rate because you will know what you need to do to win because unfair bots punish noobs like you. It'll make you a good player and you can learn and enjoy dots this way, then go into real matched and it'll be more fun.

                                              Playing against bots when you're new can be fun if you allow it to be a learning experience.

                                              You just want attention bro.

                                              There are hundreds of thousands of active dota players. no one cares about ur divine rapier lol.


                                              You obviously like dota and take it serious to an extent in which you now owe it to yourself to go on websites, look at guides and builds, and read why certain builds work or why not, read and watch stuff about how to win, farm, die less🚀, team fight, different heroes.

                                              If you're not gonna go through that commitment, then please shut the *$%& up.

                                              No one cares about another noob yelling about stupid items. I'm not tryna sound mean I'm just tryna be real dude.

                                              Stop worrying about forums and divine rapiers, go read guides, when u open dota, click the watch tab and watch higher MMR players play

                                              You're welcome.


                                                Unfair bots will be to hard for him


                                                  its like rapiers for sleight of fists u plebs


                                                    why do you need boots when you are immobile in tricks of the trade :facepalm:


                                                      how do you drop rapiers when you are invulnerable :facepalm:


                                                        "This way you don't bring ur 30% win rate into peoples games. They click on ur name before match begins and see u never win , they will already be pissed."

                                                        Holy shit this is me. I get so mad when I see the last 10 games of someone are losses.

                                                        Although that may be due to my unranked being lower in mmr than my ranked.

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          - randomly goes to spectre's lane tries to steal some last hits, attacks from behind despite leveling blink strike at lvl 1, ofc misses all last hits and messes up spectre's
                                                          - stands in lane while spectre is attacked by ursa, afterwards they try to chase shaman and ursa, nothing happens
                                                          - tps to other lane
                                                          - Enemies bought wards = instantly rekt, both him and bounty
                                                          - Wanders aimlessly around lanes, trying to get a last hit, but just hits creeps a few times, messes up his ally's last hit and doesn't get anything out of it, neither bounty nor him seem to realize what's happening
                                                          - Just saps exp all throughout the game
                                                          - Doesn't buy fucking boots, just roams around with a fucking blades of attack and faerie fire and some tps he bought at the start of the game
                                                          - Doesn't fucking skill smoke
                                                          - Still doesn't understand he's visible even though creeps attack him and he's charged
                                                          - 8min into the game finally manages to steal pl's last hit, two in fact
                                                          - randomly buys and eats faerie fires, wanders around completely aimlessly with no damage or useful spells
                                                          - stands around invisible while everyone else dies, he can't do anything nor does he even try to
                                                          - 14 minutes in finally buys boots of speed, after buying broadsword, he's 500 gold off crystalis recipe, yup, he's literally going brown boots crystalis build
                                                          - dives tier 1 tower to killsteal spectre with only one attack
                                                          - doesn't attack people unless he'll get last hit on the hero, rofl what a fucking asshole
                                                          - ok so he doesn't even complete crystalis, he goes blades of attack into broadsword into boots into CLAYMORE, fml
                                                          - 17 minutes in, 4 last hits and some killsteals
                                                          - dies to spirit breaker and lifestealer because pressing Q or R is too hard
                                                          - apparently he centers camera on his hero and never sees anything outside that rofl
                                                          - therefore he's looking around for ursa unable to find him, while ursa is actualy clearly in vision, about 800 units bellow where his camera is centered, you can hear him using spells, you can see him on the minimap, our mister riki just keeps looking for ursa behind some fucking trees, rofl
                                                          - randomly throws a smokescreen that does nothing, apparently he probably doesn't skill it because it's such a SKILLSHOT
                                                          - when dead, he stares wherever he died, even if it's in fog
                                                          - spectre gets dived, doesn't seem to care
                                                          - PL gets pumelled by 4 heroes, does literally nothing until PL dies, then he throws a random smoke and ults, ofc everyone runs out of the ult
                                                          - dies to lifestealer because he's not running away with like 30hp, bounty gets a kill on sb and ls
                                                          - ults and does no damage, bounty him and spectre die because the enemy team had sentries
                                                          - ursa buys shadowblade and kills sniper, apparently a shadow blade is OP
                                                          - pops ult to last hit fleeing lifestealer, spectre could've gotten the kill
                                                          - doesn't attack tiny at half health because he won't get the kill
                                                          - bounty has a dagon so he can't killsteal him, unfortunate rikitardu
                                                          - attempts to farm a creep wave with 110 right click damage, disregarding backstab, fails on three creeps, gives up on the fourth one, literally cannot last hit, at this point at 26 minutes he has 6 last hits, and not because anybody stole his farm, but because he doesn't even farm free lanes, and can't even last hit to save his life if he's in one
                                                          - shaman puts down a sentry, riki dies, classic
                                                          - he's dead, there's a ton of action, he just watches the part of the map where he died, doesn't care about anything
                                                          - sees spirit breaker charging but his camera is set on him so he doesn't see bounty is dying, he doesn't help him in any way despite having a ready blink strike and smoke
                                                          - sniper starts attacking tiny, he doesn't even bother to provide vision because he assumes he won't be able to last hit him
                                                          - goes back to base after sniper dies for no reason
                                                          - spectre is destroyed by ls and sb, he only then seems to come close to spectre, doesn't smoke/ult right away, waits for spectre to die, gets last hit on a low hp sb
                                                          - he and sniper manage to kill a lifestealer right in front of their fountain, meanwhile rhasta wards are chewing t4
                                                          - has a smokescren ready, decides to go on shadowshaman without silencing him first, ofc dies because he's a brain dead idiot
                                                          - dies to the same ward again
                                                          - creps attack
                                                          - completes neither battlefury or crystalis, buys a demon edge, his inventory is now as follows: blades of attack, broadsword, claymore, tp, demon edge, boots of speed
                                                          - shaman gets his wards off because riki refuses to silence him in time
                                                          - riki ults, accomplishes nothing and dies
                                                          - continues to watch fog of war where he died
                                                          - has a perfect three man smoke, but doesn't cast it, ults and people run away from the ult
                                                          - finally completes a fucking crystalis with ancient at 200 hp or something
                                                          - again fails to silence shaman to stop him from casting snakes
                                                          - waits for lifestealer to get low enough to get a last hit on him
                                                          - completes daedalus
                                                          - they finish the ancient with a few hits
                                                          - almost lowest hero damage on the team (only bounty had less), most kills (9) of all of them

                                                          My fucking god, this is the worst kind of a fucking 0k autist riki picker, I don't remember ever seeing a worse player than this imbecile.

                                                          This shit hurts. Tries to KS every time, gets some gold that way, does nothing with it until it's all over anyway, it's not that he's a fucking trash player, he's a fucking trash person.


                                                            LOL riki player

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              He's not any sort of a player he's a 100% confirmed autist imbecile, I dare anybody to watch his replay from his perspective, I double dare you.

                                                              Pale Mannie

                                                                Thanks for wanrning

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  np m8 may you not get bran damj

                                                                  [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                                                                    OP how about you try this item build. Start with invis, 2 gg branches, circlet, ring of protection and tangoes.
                                                                    Buy basi ring at side shop, buy magic wand at side shop. Skill build = 1 point into all 3 skills then max invis then max W then max Q stats at 15, 17+, once wand and basi ring are done buy brown boots, orb of venom go try to kill a support while pinging (pressing alt and clicking on enemy hero if you didn't know) on them to get team to maybe help. Next item is power treads, always have two tp scrolls on you, after power treads buy diffusal blade. At this stage you can combo people. Blink strike to them cast smoke on them and cast diffusal on them. Next item is sange and yasha. Yasha first. Go maelstrom next (maybe skip that one I don't know how good it is). Next item is Skadi, then tp boots. After this you sell power treads and buy an abyssal blade. Then buy a moonshard and eat it. At this point you have either won or couldn't carry four retards or couldn't farm because you 0.1k with mechanics to boot

                                                                    the realm's delight

                                                                      ive had a similar mania when i was a dota starter too. i literally built midas on every hero every game


                                                                        yes but midas is op. 100% winrate item confirmed


                                                                          i build divine rapier every game


                                                                            Ah, slippers are by far the best items for Riki, get Poor Man's Shield and do some early light harassing on weak heroes.
                                                                            If you guys don't mind, I'll advertise my build a bit:
                                                                            All feedback is appreciated. :D

                                                                            Doctor Ead

                                                                              You take blink first skill
                                                                              Smoke on 8th

                                                                              You have no items but Rapier, meaning you're so damn useless all that period before you killsteal enough money for Rapier


                                                                                @lich early bran damjd

                                                                                you made my day with your analysis :).


                                                                                  people telling you its bad are retards, im 5k and can guarantee you its a fantastic first item



                                                                                    im 5k and i played ~1500 games on riki in dota1. i used this build and it's totally legit, i guarantee it.


                                                                                      this build is what made rtz noticed in the pro scene

                                                                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                        @NoCeilings, you don't understand me. I'm a streamer and I'm going to start streaming dota once I reach level 40 or so. If you actually watch my other games like smite or lol you'll understand what I do.

                                                                                        I'm known for making the best with ridiculous builds and that's what people watch me for.


                                                                                          who would watch a normal skill player for whatever reason


                                                                                            SunWukong1337 ofc u play smite

                                                                                            and in dota 2 people would watch a 5k-6k mmr player that goes unorthodox builds (slahser was this guy)

                                                                                            noone will watch normal skill dude going first item rapier

                                                                                            < blank >

                                                                                              Pls type ingame when they flame you "I'm unseen like a shadow in the dark"

                                                                                              Pale Mannie

                                                                                                u 4 sirius? streaming? as a 1k?

                                                                                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                                  @antoha, triple steal actually 200 people have for League and Smite because I'm pretty entertaining. It's all about the personality. And the fact that I use unorthodox builds.

                                                                                                  @goethe, yes people actually like to watch me




                                                                                                      at least link ur stream

                                                                                                      Pale Mannie
