General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR trouble

MMR trouble in General Discussion
[KR] iParty.

    Sup guys, I'm having a really bad day. Didnt play dota for 2 days came back to dota after 2 days went as invoker 29-1 and it was a ez non mmr game then went mmr ez lost the game as invoker, now thats fun. Anyway, can you guys help me out a lil bit? I'm a trash 2k mmr player who tries to get to 3k and how can I improve my invoker? And be "okay" in everygame.


      git gut.

      sorry, couldn't resist my first retarded comment on the internets :D

      Why Not Zoidberg?

        Me being a 3.8k all i see is invokers. Make sure to meta abuse, i lost/gained lots of mmr with alchemist on either team in 6.85 still gets picked but not as often. Undying just wrecks early game and has a large presence in late game especially with the revamped aghs. If you're just looking for mmr just meta abuse. Invoker and OD seem to be pretty good aswell. Best of luck!

        Bad Intentions

          Gotta bring your A game picks n ranked man, invo gets countered hard in tryhard mode :]]


            2k is hell
            1k mmr is fucking easy
            3k mmr is fucking easy
            2k is hell.
            If you want to leave it just pick your best hero and try your best, dont worry about counter picking in 2k too much because it can go both ways. 2k is where people can win with the shitties line-ups or loose with the best line-ups. Remember to mute people if you encounter SINGLE flame from anyone. Dont try to argue it wont work and if you get pissed or piss someone else off you will loose the game 90%. So basically play your mains and do your best and it all depends on the teams in 2k. 3k+ people will start to understand how the game works. Good luck.


              Invoker isn't that OP, he's strong but not troll/sniper, leshrac/bloodseeker levels of strong.

                Swap Commends

                  Spam ur best OP heroes.
                  2k is hard to climb


                    I think it would be a good idea to get about 3 heroes that you are comfortable with and keep playing them also try to keep positive and when ur team makes mistakes be forgiving even if it is really bad

                    Fee Too Pee

                      Spam hero that you play best. Support , mid , and carry then counter picks. Or play ez win heroes like zeus , abaddon ,omni


                          Try zues, ursa, and ofc the king of 1v9 heroes, spectre


                            how about 4k?


                              4k is where cancer begins. Everyone is just decent enuf to understand the game, but everyone thinks they're fuckin RTZ.

                              Also you have to pick to win. no more axe every game, or you'll lose at picks.