General Discussion

General DiscussionSven new build??

Sven new build?? in General Discussion

    I see that nowadays, sven build Great Cleave maxed instead of storm hammer first, despite that GC will push the lane early on. Is there any good explanation, please? :)


      You save the points until you get HoD and then you max the cleave, so basically you go 1-4-4 but you save the points until you have the HoD on you and then you start stacking ancients and jungle. It's effective way of playing him now since it increases the farm rate by quite a lot and you just stick to one point in stun for the disable since the duration doesn't increase, only the damage does.


        early stacks


          its an old build that people who knew how to play sven always used

          basically storm hammer is a pretty shit skill to invest skill points in, you get a fixed 75 magic damage per level. the stun duration/cd/cost don't scale at all.

          cleave is much more useful because you can jungle very early if the lane is punishing, else you can farm the lane + the big camp

          farming is a snowballing process. a small bit more of farm early equates a lot more farm later - every bit of farm in the early game counts.




              Every inch counts

              Riguma Borusu

                Well, the point is the following - two points into great cleave lets you clear all camps pretty fast, if they are not stacked, you just hit the big creep. However, if camps are stacked you'll have more big creeps, so you'd prefer to max the cleave out, so you buy an early dominator, right after treads (seen some people going for it even BEFORE treads to start stacking a minute or two before, but w/e), stack some camps (hard camps and ancients are good to stack pretty much, stacking auras don't hurt you because cleave ignores armor value), and then end up farming them when you can, but what you can do is start pushing your lane out a bit, and then skill cleave, kill all creeps, force them under enemy tower, then get a large camp stack, then let the lane push in your favor, you can pull yourself if you need it, etc, at this point you can even tank creeps under tower/pull them behind and kill them quickly because you actually have wave clear with your cleave, etc.

                Basically, if you're almost uncontested (have a decent support on your side or it's 1v1 matchup against a weak laner) you can get 100 cs if you're good this way, since you can stack/pull without even leaving the lane.

                mom said it's my turn to ...

                  well said, sven guy


                      well, what item build suits on this situation?

                      Riguma Borusu

                        ^You can literally go any item build past treads dominator, but you ideally want some heavy stats and mobility so going:
                        Yasha + Sange
                        AC/moonshard or something

                        You can pretty much switch the order of the last 3 items to whatever you need at some point, if you need BKB asap because you're joining a lot of fights, go get it, if you hit like a kitten (not that you really do) or need more damage, go daedalus, and AC is icing on the cake, really good for sieging, you can complete satanic at some point if you need to head on manfight some shit, or you're not getting kited that much so you can hit shit and heal inside fights.

                        this hero farms faster than antimage if you go the cleave build

                        Pretty much yeah, by the time antimage gets his treads battlefury, your sven can have treads dominator sny and has started building BKB, and when AM gets his battlefury, he doesn't actually become that much faster in certain scenarios because he still doesn't have the damage/cleave percentage to burst down ancient stacks.

                        U are all dogshit

                          Does anyone feel that Kitrak exaggerates some facts to the point of being bad advice?

                          Riguma Borusu

                            ^Maybe sometimes when he's hyped by success of some strategy, but he's actually absolutely right regarding this one.

                            Dire Wolf

                              idk have you seen zenoth's sven games? he farms a lot faster than your average am.

                              Don't forget blink, increases your farming by a fucking ton.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                ^I've actually seen people going yasha into blink instead of yasha into sange, which is interesting and probably works for that purpose.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    cus his base dmg is so high he doesn't really need the sange to clear camps, but the move speed is awesome.


                                      Just report those who max cleave first and GL in next match.

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        ^That's tough shit coming from somebody with not only 48% winrate on the hero, but also someone who seems to play him as a support.

                                          Miku Plays

                                            I get flamed when I do this before 6.86 now look at this kids maxing cleave left and right

                                            Bad Intentions

                                              Damnn wat happened to the old school sven with max stun n stats 😨

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                Stun is the only thing sven has that was nerfed some time ago, everything else keeps getting buffed, and that doesn't scale with anything, duration is 2 sec at all levels, stats do a ton for sven, warcry is broken with 20 armor and huge uptime, etc.
