General Discussion

General Discussion6.86 FirstPick Material (CMode only)

6.86 FirstPick Material (CMode only) in General Discussion
the M

    Aight fellas, so here's my issue.
    I'm a 4k dude and I play A LOT of CM with my friends. Since the last patch, we use a solid draft opening with DP+Oracle first picks (our first bans are usually stuff like OD/INVOKER/AA) and plan our other picks from there. Guess what, it works really well. Nonetheless, we decided to shuffle things a little bit, just to let the wind of change blow in for a while - and for fun's sake. The problem is we cannot find another firstpick duo as solid as this one. Does anyone have any advices?

    I watch a lot of competitive ofc, but it doesn't help in this regard, as most teams already know who they are matching up against, and plan their draft accordingly. This is not my case, since I end up against random opponents like anyone else here.

    What do you do when you play CM? Don't be shy. Whisper The M your dirty secrets.
    Is void firstpickable? And zuss?

    (PS don't include sylla, EarthSpirit and Chen in your tips, thx)




        first stage ban/picks material are OD Invoker DP LD enchantress zeus vengeful


          Es too

          the M

            @project m > melee ???: I thought about it, but then ditched the idea. She's REALLY strong but has several counters (especially zeus and jug) which I just can't ban out in the first phase. Something would be left in the pool and filthily grabbed by my opponents.

            Teamwork is the key

              Mirana and Undying.
              Mirana can roam,go solo offlane,carry,support or mid. No reallly counter
              Undying can be in a trilane or solo(with help of mirana for some ez kills)
              Both are okay for mid-late game but better in early one


                why would any1 pick mirana in 6.86

                Teamwork is the key

                  Why not? I sometimes picked her ,before and even now, I don't see a really big problem with her


                    od mate


                      oh you're banning him

                      then try firstpicking something like wk or ck and then run him as roamer-support like mekarazium does

                      Teamwork is the key

                        OD can be easily counter pugna and nyx 4life

                        the M

                          @#[Swag]Kinder 小王子: yeah I don't think she's too good of a hero at the moment. Also i'm not that great of a mirana player - just average; which is not enough if one plans to pick her often.

                          @TripleSteal-: Zeus first is something I find myself thinking about more often than not. The thing is I'm not sure about what to ban to pick him with more confidence.

                          @arin: hey how you doin m8, hope you've stopped playing ark 4Head


                            u dont need to ban shit to make zeus work, this hero depends mostly on your other heroes and overall strategy rather than enemy's pick


                              like if u think u gonna get fucked mid, just pick zeus, works every tiem

                              Teamwork is the key

                                Unless there is a Viper mid with corrosive skin level 1,try to get last hits and contest runes lel


                                  im not sayiong u gonna rape every mid lol, zeus is the "get creeps with 1st spell" hero

                                  Teamwork is the key

                                    1 Pick Viper against Zeus mid
                                    2 ???
                                    3 +25 ez mmr ez life

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        jugg troll sniper axe


                                          pick shadow demon mid in high skill , profit


                                            fp morf in highskill, get 44 kills


                                              sorry dude don wanna be mean i just allahu akbar


                                       bracket is lower than yours, but I've won CM games with 3-4k strangers (who often are in a stack) as their captain.

                                                I'd say you need some basic strategies in mind. Some favorites of mine:
                                                1) Armor Reduction (Dazzle/Slardar/Venge [Elder Titan is good if you have someone who can, but usually not] + Weaver or TA + Generic CArry but a natural diffusal carrier is nice; Bans: Lich/Sven, Pugna, whatever else your team needs)
                                                2) Pusher (Shaman/Warlock/DP + Anything your team needs; Bans: PL, Bara, whatever else your team needs)
                                                3) Multi-Initiator (Make sure most of team has AoE ult so you can engage / disengage any teamfight, example: CM/Lich/Medusa or Tide/Naga/Kunkka or WD/FV/Gyro; Bans: Silencer, Venge, whatever else your team needs)

                                                Teamwork is the key

                                                  Well according to what you wrote I think that Lich is a good pick,can go offlane,support or mid.
                                                  For armor reduction he can give with level 4 frost armor + 9armor(free platemail anyway?).
                                                  If you want to push give the armor to creeps and can take better the tower shots
                                                  Wombo combo is lich second name.
                                                  Fits all strategies and hasn't an hard counter
                                                  TL;DR Lich=solid choice

                                                  the M

                                                    @Mekarazium: i'm not a fan of firstpick morph. I mean, he's a heavy pick to grab, and can be screwed by early-pushing teams. Also why would someone firstpick WD? I don't think he's all that viable, being a channeler reliant to his team to setup his ult. Also please explain me why ''bane+oracle'' is a good firstpick duo, since you suggested it; I mean, I can see it working but i'm not that sure.

                                                    @史吏——八师一军: That's not exactly how I think the drafting phase should go, but thanks anyway for the effort you've put in your reply^^ I mean, when I look for a CM game, I ALWAYS try to figure out a solid pair of heroes to pick in the first phase, rather than planning the whole 5 heroes straightforward. I think the 3rd, 4th and of course 5th picks should be flexible.

                                                    Pale Mannie

                                                      First pick Pitlord
                                                      garuanteed +25 mmr

                                                      yung griphook

                                                        first pick Omni/ DS?

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          zeus + spectre. Best combo in game.

                                                          the M

                                                            First pick omni is just no-no.

                                                            DS.... well I've thought about that as one of my friends likes to play DS. I'm still a bit concerned because DS sucks vs gyro and am (and some other ranged cores as well) and firstpicking him suddently makes my whole draft kinda weak to such heroes, since helped by proper supports they can farm my offlaner and snowball really hard. I'm quite sure DS is best suited as a second phase pick at the moment.

                                                            zuss+spectre is a really scary combo in all-pick, but not the best to pull out in the first phase of CMode. They make your team really susceptible to jug and am picks, or to any 5man-oriented lineup in my opinion. I think it's better in this case as well to pick the combo during the second phase.