General Discussion

General DiscussionThis week in 5k+ pubs - Bloodseeker has an average winrate of 35% - S...

This week in 5k+ pubs - Bloodseeker has an average winrate of 35% - Spectre has average winrate of 54% in General Discussion

    Nice balanced game Icefraud.

      Venus, MBA

        Would you like to revisit 6.84 where bloodseeker plagued every pub?




              i'd way rather have 6.84 bs than spectre now.

              Consider bloodseeker at his most "broken" he only had 53% winrate in all brackets and 5K+ it was 52% and still ignored in competitive with about a dozen games played and an awful winrate.

              Spectre now is about to hit 60%, and that winrate drops to 54% in 5K+. She is all over competitive games and has a good winrate there.

              if you are comparing the pick rates, they are about equal with more and more people spamming at higher mmr, and in 5K+ its invoker every game which makes me very glad im a 4k shitlord.


                Let's compare bloodseeker to spectre.

                Bloodseeker has a skill which increases the amount of damage he deals by 25% takes by 40%.
                Spectre has a skill which decreases they amount of damage she takes by 22% and deals that 22% back to the enemy.

                Bloodseeker has an 240 damage area of effect nuke/silence which will not reliably hit anyone except for static creeps.
                Spectre has a 200 damage aoe nuke which can be targetted on heroes or creeps and slows heroes hit by it while providing extra phased movement speed, it can also be targetted at the ground instead allowed phased movement over cliffs and trees.

                Bloodseeker has an ability which provides +0 damage when an enemy is at 75%+ hp, and +20 damage when they are at half health, and +40 damage when they are at 25% health. Ie 3 enemy heroes need to be at 50%hp for him to get a +60 damage bonus against either heroes or creeps.
                Spectre has an ability which does +65 pure damage which completely ignores evasion and also affects creeps.

                Bloodseeker has an ability which prevents a single enemy from moving their location for 12 seconds or they will take a small to medium amount of damage. If the enemy does not move they take no damage.
                Spectre has an ability which allows her to simultaneously attack all enemy heroes for 7 seconds as well as relocate anywhere on the map where an enemy hero is during those 7 seconds.

                It's like comparing a machine gun to a water pistol.

                  Paid actor

                    ^u forgot to mention the buggati speed seeker has....and that his bloodrage can be cast on the enemies to take the extra dmg...or on friendlies to heal themselfs and deal that huge amount of dmg....u forgot to say that seeker has higher kill potential than spectre on solo kills...and if need arises he can switch to jungle way better than spectre...

                    And even if u had taken this in account yet any kind of comparison u try to make will be wrong...coz heroes aint supposed to be the same. And spectre has been like that for a rly long time, its the meta change that affected her not icefraud givin her buffs.

                    Pale Mannie

                      Pls no nerferino to pudge

                      [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                        Please God of ice frog make him nerd pudge to pre 6.86 shit. Hero is so retarded. 400(around) pure damage bkb piercing, 1500 range bullshit on a FOUR second cool down. I call that shit good balancing.
                        Also what changed about the meta to enable spectre?

                        Paid actor

                          ^aoe gold, comeback gold, and the fall of the classic snowballing heroes gave spectre the chance to resurface. With no more storms/qop/TA/sf around to shit on the midgame spec cant be effectively shutted down most of the time. And even if she is shutted down a simple kill/assist on a high streak enemy core, or a hard won teamfight can give her a huge amount of gold to get her back in the game. Thats a good reason why morph is back again and hereos such as antimage/alchemist have fallen off coz the advantage that they build up in gold is unstable. Those heroes maintain their advantage as carry simply on the huge amount of gold diffrence since they dont scale as gr8 as spec in terms of same networth, and since that gold advantage can now be swingged pretty significantly on a single teamfight/highnetworth kill (which those guyz usually lead the charts of networth), that gives spec multiple chances to bring her A game.



                            Spectre was 0-4-0 at 10:30. Ends the game 13-8-25. So bullshit.

                            Von Darkmoor

                              When did they change so Desolate affects creed i reccon thats The change that made her so popular atm.
                              Must been a recent one or have Ive just been oblivious?

                              Riguma Borusu

                                You mean Dispersion? It was 6.85 I think.


                                  So it looks like IceGarbage thinks that making some heroes op and some heroes unplayable is "balance" 4Head What a fucking retard... Every hero should be pickable and not some fucking 10 same heroes every fucking game...



                                    lm ao

                                      u know theres an item called silver edge right


                                        BS has low winrate because people don't go dagon on him. Double bloodrage dagon = hero deletion simulator. Going autoattack build is suicide because you generally have 40% less EHP.

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          u know theres an item called silver edge right

                                          Yeah good shit, but Spectre has tons of ways to deal with it, she can be slippery and run away for the 5 seconds it lasts for, if you go the tanky butterfly heart/skadi etc build killing you in 5 seconds is going to be a huge feat, and most heroes won't come even near to that unless they're massively fed, have rapiers or are glass canon.


                                            I'd rather have cancer from last patch than cancer from this patch

                                            -everyone on every patch


                                              Not me, I'll have the cancer of any patch as long as it's not 6.83 cancer.


                                                this patch is still the least cancerous one in the last couple of years.

                                                the realm's delight

                                                  pretty sure this patch is worse than 6 83


                                                    i actually would rather have the troll jugger meta where you could just fp troll and relax and watch the 25 em em er flow in


                                                      LMAO I actually prefer 6.83 instead of this shit... I could play storm back then 4Head

                                                      A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                                        I'd take 6.84 bloodseeker over Spectre all day. She's the real cancer


                                                          Spectre is much more painful than 6.84 Bloodseeker or even 6.83 Troll. (Maybe not 6.83 Sniper though...that man could defend high ground forever, but I was totally new to DotA back then...)