General Discussion

General Discussionwhats the current od build?

whats the current od build? in General Discussion



        something with drums the slow thingy bkb moonshard and mb force


          nto sure

          Riguma Borusu

            slow thingy

            One of my friends calls Rod of Atos - Rod of Retardadtion rofl.


              i dont think atos is so popular, its good against kiteable heroes but thats it

              core is usually treads drums blink, items vary a lot

              bkb, sny, hex, shivas, linkens, octarine, veil, moonshard, dragon lance are all viable


                oh yeah dagger is good

                Dune, the Desert Planet

                  PT Drums Atos Dagger Hex Shiva RO Shard BKB are primary items to consider.

                  Aquila, Orchid, Midas, AC, SB/SE, OC, Force are secondary.

                  Source: played a lot of OD recently.


                    ^thios build sounds legit but with moon shard faster

                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      I didn't write them in particular order.


                        so when do u go aquila drums and when do u go drums?


                          idk u could just go drums every game imo, but not playing this hero so i cant say for sure


                            why veil


                              and why aquila


                                if im mid i like to go bottle drums, if im safleane aquila drums


                                  randomed him once and got 3 people mid and one of them was nyx

                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                    Never Veil. It's ultra shit.

                                    What Sano said, although you can skip Bottle even on mid, but it's useful.


                                      veils not ultra shit


                                        though i think if u go veil theres not much point on going drums

                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                          Well it's maybe OK if you have lots of casters in your team. Otherwise IDK. Too much gold, I know stats are good for the price, but you can get a better item for that money.


                                            veil as a drums replacement if u have them already i guess


                                                Veil of discord is popular in 6k mmr+ games

                                                If you have veil of discord, drums, treads, and magic wand, you have 40 extra int with just a little bit of gold. Ur in team fight, u use Q to bring enemy teams int down and raise ur own, then use veil, then ult, their whole team should be dead or almost dead and ur team can clean them up.

                                                Learned this from watching DC.YS vs arteezy.

                                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                  It one shots them anyway :D

                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                    PT -> (Dragon lance) -> Drums -> Blink -> Situational


                                                        hp regen is nice too since od has nothing for that
                                                        ill try it some time, thanks for the input

                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                          Hm... Okey. I've never built Veil on OD. Gotta test it before I talk.


                                                            why cant u jsut get a basilus wtf


                                                              from what i see the aquila is mainly for as to hit orbs faster


                                                                od in the current meta is very versatile I must say . Almost every agi/ int item should work on od


                                                                  Veil is such a waste. Ulti has a huge cd for you to base your items on it, it already hits extremely hard if you just steal some int, and considering bkb completely shuts down your hero that can become just another dead item.
                                                                  There are way too many early game items you want/need on od in the early/mid game in order to make a detour and pick up a veil. If you won with it chances are you could have won regardless. Only thing that has going on for it is the good stats for relatively small cost.

                                                                  Drugim recima, nemoj da si glup.


                                                                    Veil's whole is greater than the sum of its parts. There are not a lot of items like that in Dota, so you get more for your gold. It also works with W. I like it on the hero, but I can see the argument for not getting it. Maybe just if you have other casters on your team.


                                                                      ^there were a few items like that before too, usually when icefrog tries to push an item because it was underused etc. Veil is only common on few heroes, and isnt exactly utility like force or a glimmer.
                                                                      My guess it will stay that way unless it gets reworked further to try to make it more usable. (The build up got reworked in last change iirc.)


                                                                        don't buy any chests. Valve is scamming you.
                                                                        They want you to gamble so they get more from chests than buying the items individually like Arcanas. If no-one buys the chest you won't get any items from the markets.

                                                                        People buy the chests like me ( 30 ) of them and get nothing while I could of got 2 arcanas for it.

                                                                        If no-one baught any cosmetics or chests the game wouldn't be free, however if it's nearly impossible to get a ultra or golden set. What is the point?

                                                                        I will not buy anything from this game and I hope the TI prize pool is down this year from idiot 12 year olds.

                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          ^can you stop being brain damaged, thanks


                                                                            Dragon Lance? Why no mention?...
                                                                            PT, Rod of Atos, Dragon Lance, Force Staff/Blink, Linken (Idk why, I like Linken on every hero)
                                                                            Null and Bottle, if you want.
                                                                            Top off with Shiva's, Octarine, Refresher.


                                                                              Does anyone get soul ring for an early extra roll of the dice when essence aura fails to proc? Or a bit of extra damage.

                                                                              Bloodstone wouldn't be terrible on him/her/it later either.

                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                Yes, it would be terrible, actually it's probably one of the worst items to get on OD.




                                                                                    Skadi x 6

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      Because people actually only get bloodstone for mana regen, and you don't need it for that at all, if you want more hp or mana, get something that's more cost and slot effective.


                                                                                        People saying veil of discord is bad on OD are retards.

                                                                                        Bkb makes EVERYTHING od does useless , wether he has rod atos, sheep stick, force staff, any item except shivas gaurd will get 100% countered by bkb . So saying veil is countered by bkb is dumb.

                                                                                        Od has infinite mana regen so he needs the 8 hp regen. veil gives him 18 int which makes his R hurt more, and gives him bigger mana pool so his Q hurts more, and it gives a decent amount of HP regen which literally no item OD builds gives him except octarine core.

                                                                                        You guys are not factoring in those team fights very early on in the game that decide which team will be in control of the match and ultimately win.

                                                                                        If you're a fucking noob then you will not do shit with veil of discord.

                                                                                        If you are good then you'll use to win team fights before enemy carry gets bkb and you will take towers and take away any space enemy has to farm with map control and pressure.

                                                                                        Its not just about veil of discord , once you stack other items on top of veil , OD becomes extremely frightening to fight against.

                                                                                        Imagine your fighting an OD who has veil, drums, power treads. He only paid like 5300 gold for those 3 items but in a team fight he can kill 1-3 heroes w. Q alone and then use ult to make sure the enemy gets team wiped.

                                                                                        Enemy carries usually cannot go bkb first item VS OD because the duration of bkb is reduced making it pretty useless if game goes late, and if they rush bkb.

                                                                                        1..they wont have damage / stats

                                                                                        2..OD can bait the bkb then force a fight when its off cool down.

                                                                                        Plz use some common sense folks.

                                                                                        House Cat

                                                                                          Power Treads - Force Staff - Rod of Atos - Moon Shard - Octarine Core or Scythe of Vyse, Situational: BKB


                                                                                            anyone goes mek on him?


                                                                                              I disagree, although it's magic damage, OD is not burst damage (the ulti excluding, that is OP anyway).
                                                                                              Veil is way better on Zeus, Silencer, Mage, Jakiro who have entire magical damage and the multiplication factor would help.
                                                                                              If you need HP Regen, get Force Staff which will also help you to get in position and escape.
                                                                                              Also, Blade Mail is also another counter to OD and the more OP OD will be, more damage will he take.


                                                                                                People saying veil of discord is bad on OD are retards. Bkb makes EVERYTHING od does useless , wether he has rod atos, sheep stick, force staff, any item except shivas gaurd will get 100% countered by bkb . So saying veil is countered by bkb is dumb. Od has infinite mana regen so he needs the 8 hp regen. veil gives him 18 int which makes his R hurt more, and gives him bigger mana pool so his Q hurts more, and it gives a decent amount of HP regen which literally no item OD builds gives him except octarine core. You guys are not factoring in those team fights very early on in the game that decide which team will be in control of the match and ultimately win. If you're a fucking noob then you will not do shit with veil of discord. If you are good then you'll use to win team fights before enemy carry gets bkb and you will take towers and take away any space enemy has to farm with map control and pressure. Its not just about veil of discord , once you stack other items on top of veil , OD becomes extremely frightening to fight against. Imagine your fighting an OD who has veil, drums, power treads. He only paid like 5300 gold for those 3 items but in a team fight he can kill 1-3 heroes w. Q alone and then use ult to make sure the enemy gets team wiped. Enemy carries usually cannot go bkb first item VS OD because the duration of bkb is reduced making it pretty useless if game goes late, and if they rush bkb. 1..they wont have damage / stats 2..OD can bait the bkb then force a fight when its off cool down. Plz use some common sense folks.


                                                                                                  normal skills flaming 7k people seemsgood

                                                                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                                    Kasno, vec sam probao. Toliko je glupo da nemam reci. Doduse dobio sam oba gejma jer je OD OP.


                                                                                                      Evo slushaj ovog morona sto ima 3k i ne igra heroja. Doso da seje pamet. Stravican sajt ovaj dotabuf.

                                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                        Also, Blade Mail is also another counter to OD and the more OP OD will be, more damage will he tak

                                                                                                        Actually, it's the other way around, OD counters blademail by astral prison, and even if he has to hit somebody with blademail he can, you know, just get a fucking BKB which you should have most games anyway.