General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen should I use Radiance as Necrophos?

When should I use Radiance as Necrophos? in General Discussion

    If it wasn't because of mega creep and early phase huge advantage then I'd have lost the match already but what I wonder is that when should I build Radiance and when I shouldn't?




        You dont

        Swap Commends

          NEVER do that


            its awful
            if u want to farm/go greedy consider any of the 3 items: boots of travel, midas, dagger


              u can get ir but extremely rarely, its simplier to asdume u shouldnt pruchase it at all

              Dune, the Desert Planet

                Every game. Save the initial 625 gold so you can buy it faster.


                  Never do that if you really want to buy radiance pick heroes like Naga Spectre Lone Druid

                  Doctor Ead

                    ^Gets Mjolnir and Lance for Necro
                    Gives advices.


                      ^plays in normal skill
                      comments on ppl giving advice

                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                        Normal skill people should be allowed one post per day with a character limit.

                        < blank >

                          Normal skill below 50% wr ayy lmao

                          Doctor Ead

                            Why would you need Radiance on Necro? To stack it with your HSA?
                            Never focus on these things, this character is not a passive walk-around-damage-spreader, boy oh boy he's a serious killer
                            despite being a nice teamfigther with low-cd heals

                            Aghanim, Blink, Resfresher, Dagon
                            so many better choices then another useless aura which is easily countered with BKBs and Pipes in another team

                            Doctor Ead

                              @Triple Steal
                              has Ы on his prof pic in 2016

                              yes, I play in Normal Skill because I haven't been playing that much yet, but I still know who Necro is

                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                On a serious note, only legit build is PT - BM - Drums - Aghs - BKB/Shiva/OC/whatever.


                                  So if given that I shouldn't use Radiance then what item that I should use as Necrophos? (Bloodstone for sure)

                                  < blank >

                                    Get Radiance and OC and you'll win but only if you get those 2 items


                                      bloodstone is just as awful

                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                        On a serious note, only legit build is PT - BM - Drums - Aghs - BKB/Shiva/OC/whatever.

                                        On a serious note, only legit build is PT - BM - Drums - Aghs - BKB/Shiva/OC/whatever.

                                        On a serious note, only legit build is PT - BM - Drums - Aghs - BKB/Shiva/OC/whatever.

                                        Drums are optional, but I like them. Midas are situational.

                                        Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

                                          GG boots, Blink and Aghs are probably three core items on him. After these three:
                                          - Shiva's, one of the strongest late-game items on him.
                                          - ghost scepter, when enemy right-clickers are a problem.
                                          - BKB, when enemy mages are a problem.
                                          - Atos, you benefit from all the stats it gives and also a reliable slow which is what Necro's kit is missing.
                                          - Blade Mail, very situational but you have a big EHP pool and makes enemies think twice before they focus you.

                                          I would swap the Bloodstone with an Octarine Core if you really want a bulky caster item since I'm not a fan of Bloodstone Necro.


                                            i dunno what all this shit is about
                                            bs is fine
                                            necro is one of the most versatile heroes in terms of itemization and playstyle


                                              it really isnt
                                              you dont need so much mana regen and oct or even soul booster itself is good enough


                                                Bloodstone compensate for low hp and mana pool but octarine core sound interesting too and I think I'll try that. (btw what is "GG boots" because I don't understand it.)

                                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                  Blademail rush is best build.

                                                  Blademail rush is best build.

                                                  Blademail rush is best build.

                                                  Blademail rush is best build.

                                                  Blademail rush is best build.

                                                  Blademail rush is best build.

                                                  Blademail rush is best build.

                                                  Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

                                                    Guardian Greaves. It's the cheaper, better option for your health and mana problems, also applies basic dispel so it's pretty much core when playing againts e.g. Silencer (dispels Global Silence and all his other debuffs).


                                                      GG boots = Guardian Grieves.
                                                      BS just isn't the item. Nec has a passive that grants extra mana regen - so ALWAYS go O-Core over BS


                                                        Guardian greaves

                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                          So am I getting ignored for no particular reason?

                                                          No one agrees or disagrees with Blademail rush being the best build?


                                                            For a minute I thought that GG mean Good Game. lol

                                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                              ^ it does mean GG too.

                                                              Lots of abbreviations in Dota have multiple meanings.

                                                              ES - Ember/Earth Spirit, Earth Shaker

                                                              RoA - Ring of Aquila, Rod of Atos

                                                              BM - Beast Master, Brood Mother, Brewmaster, BLADE MAIL


                                                                Time to find and buy DOTA 2 Glossary dictionary now before I mistake Rod of Atos for Ring of Aquila.


                                                                  bloodstone isn't all about the mana regen.

                                                                  it bulks you up and makes the enemy choose between focussing you and triggering the aoe heal when you die or leaving you alone and having to deal with your death pulse etc.

                                                                  i still don't get it though :)


                                                                    bm is a fuckin blade master u lil shit

                                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                      Mooooods, TripleSteal is being Bad Mannered. Mooooods.

                                                                      Hahah, Blade Master. I recall during DotA 1 days, my friends and me were referring to almost all heroes by WC names. PA - Warden, Ench - Dryad, Abba - Arthas, Omni - Paladin (technicaly Arthas, but pu.ssy version).

                                                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                        Jesus F. Christ you can't write f*ck or pus*y????????? Are we on kids playground?!?!



                                                                            Radiance is only good on heroes who are difficult to kill so the radiance damage has a lot of time to do its damage.

                                                                            Necro is squishy.

                                                                            Don't ever plan on getting radiance on him. Unless ur 100% stomping enemy and ur bored.

                                                                            Usually u want shit like mek, gaurdian greave, blink dagger, force staff, maybe veil of discord, maybe aether lens, maybe shivas gaurd, sheep stick they all have more uses than radiance on Necrophos.

                                                                            Necrophos doesn't need radiance to farm either cuz he can easily push waves with his spells.


                                                                              Normal skill people should be allowed one post per day with a character limit.

                                                                              most players are normal skill, and a lot of the threads that actually see activity come from normal skill players. If anything, I would rather limit the opinions of 5k know-it-alls that treat people like shit.

                                                                              anyway, look at a player's profile when you consider their advice. There are a handful of comments in here about how to play necro from players that have played less than 10 games with the hero.

                                                                              my 2k 2¢: radiance is kinda underwhelming on necro. Death pulse already helps your waveclear in most situations. You could have a lvl 3 dagon for the same price, which works really well with your ult.

                                                                              I like treads, mek, some sort of movement item (force staff), dagon, and aghs. My biggest gripe about Necro is that his mobility is really poor.


                                                                                I guess the best people to give advide to some player would be someone who's 1k higher than who's asking, having semi recently lived and overcome the previous mmr range.

                                                                                Dune, the Desert Planet


                                                                                  I wasn't serious bro. It's just a thing on this forum to point out that someone is normal skill. I don't mind them or think they should be sent to camps.

                                                                                  Can you please revise the banned terms? You can't write fu*k...

                                                                                  Also: BLADE MAIL BLADE MAIL BLADE MAIL BLADE MAIL BLADE MAIL BLADE MAIL BLADE MAIL BLADE MAIL

                                                                                  Venus, MBA

                                                                                    I tend to rush a blink on necro and pretty much never go radiance. It's a fun thought to combine it with heartstopper aura, but it's overall underwhelming and it's quite a chore to farm a full relic when you could farm something better for him and his survivability, like aghs, Mek, etc.

                                                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                      @Scraps I'll wait for your reply till tomorrow since you have used your post limit.


                                                                                        ^ That's not safe son, who the hell goes around wearing something made of metal spikes?

                                                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                          ^ Anyone who wants to on kids?


                                                                                            wait are we actually not able to use the word fuck now


                                                                                              works fine for me


                                                                                                Im confused, why would a necro build a beast master? (BM?)


                                                                                                  I guess the best people to give advide to some player would be someone who's 1k higher than who's asking, having semi recently lived and overcome the previous mmr range.

                                                                                                  god, yes. Like this video where Blitz and Cap do a patch analysis for 6.86 wrt pub play, and most of it is just useless to me. They talk about heroes and they mention that bristleback doesn't exist, because absolutely nobody plays him. Maybe that's true for them, but I see bristle all the time! He's in 3% of 5k games, but 11% of 2k games. The reality is that Slacks' guide to escaping mmr hell talks about the game that I'm actually playing. So yeah. Don't listen to people just because they have a high mmr, listen to people that demonstrably know how to win the game that you are playing, not the game that they are playing.

                                                                                                  < blank >

                                                                                                    scraps is a necro noob


                                                                                                      i'm a 2k scrub i'm a noob everything


                                                                                                        I've used Radiance on Necro and it's goddamn effective.
