General Discussion

General Discussionhelp with ember pls.

help with ember pls. in General Discussion

    see profile. i duno how to farm or win with ember. is he suppose to fight a lot? the feeling i get is that he dies so fast and has to stand back with his W and hope the enemy screws up.

    how do u play him? find 1 v 1 constantly? he doesnt seem strong as carry. im definitely playing him wrong. i feel like i cant do anything with the hero. someone who plays ember often pls some advice

      Walk that shit back TURBO

        1) git
        2) gud


          i think i do well with him early game. i know he is strong early. its middle to late that i fuck up with the hero. suggestions? should i be farming a lot, or fighting a lot. or split pushing, or striking a balance?


            watch replay from maybe or burning , they both are good ember player

            registered flex offender

              Baumi is decent, and explains how to play him in some of his videos

              Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                there is such a thing called a replay....why do you want something in theory when you can witness it first hand

                yung griphook

                  u can solo kill most heros at level 2 or 3 with a point (or two) in flame guard and a point in bolas.

                  i usually go q blade, PMS, boots, (wand if i need it) aquila, BOT's, bfury ------ I've seen high level players get bottle and drums as well, so I guess it's situational.

                  then u can go blink into daedalus, or vice versa. at this point you can usually just W people in fights and deal massive damage. If you dont need a blink, you can double up on deadalus, or get a linkens, skadi, mkb etc. Deso is also pretty good but I very rarely get it.

                  if you get a linkens, you should rarely die in fights, so I feel confident enough in my ability to not die that I get a rapier as a 6th slot sometimes. A lot of times I didn't know if I should get one, but i was glad I did because it can literally win fights. You will 1-shot 90 percent of support heros, and 2-shot most heros in general.

                  He's a lot of fun. Key is to not die in laning stage and try your best to not get picked when you split push.

                  Can any VHS confirm what I said?


                    i ve watched tons of replays. it usually helps if ppl who know the hero break down the concepts behind the hero, so i can understand why ppl take certain decisions. makes for better replay analysis, rather than just watching shit happen like a brain dead idiot.


                      thx for the input guys. apart from item build, i'm really curious about how you play the hero to get the most impact. how do u apply pressure with the hero. seems like hanging back and press w is one way to do it, but its too reliant on ur teammates. games i've won is because i had good teammates who allowed me to just hang back. bad games is where im out carried and usually not able to find openings /opportunities during mid to late game with hero.

                      Free 2 Play Scootz

                        I'm not the greatest ember but I'd recommend only getting one point in your ult until you're level 23. I really only use his ult as an escape mekanism and stats really help him out.


                          I have 80% win rate with Ember.

                          The most important thing about Ember Spirit is BALANCE......

                          Know when its good to go for last hits , balance that with taking harrass.

                          Know when its good to fight. You can have huge impact in fights. You do a lot of dmg with ur Q and E and you can escape w. Lvl 6

                          Know when its good to go farm lanes and push, since you can escape as long as ur not silenced, you should always be pressuring lanes to farm and make the enemy defend.

                          Always make sure u have enough mana to escape with remnant.

                          Ember can fight early but at the same time he needs items to be useful once game is past 30 mins or so.

                          I suggest ring of Aquila so u have some more dmg and you get some mana regen, drums is also good cuz it gives you stats and more mana to use more spells in fights befor you get.

                          Get bfury and daedelus fast.
                          Desolater can mix in there well cause you can reduce entire enemies team and amplify ur teams physical dmg.

                          If ember gets chain disabled or silenced he is fucking DEAD. Everytime.

                          Don't afk farm ur damage items if ur enemy has silence / disable.

                          Get manta to dispel silences.

                          Get bkb to prevent disables.

                          Basically for example, if enemy has an invoker who's building orchid,

                          I would go boots > bottle > drums > battlefury > manta > daedelus and if they have too much disable get bkb,

                          U can mix in poor mans shield or ring of Aquila.

                          REMEMBER. BALANCE.

                          If ur gonna gank a lane from mid, which Ember is good at, make sure you can kill a hero before you walk all the way to that lane just to fail and walk back.

                          Go for kills in lane by maxing q and e, u can put 1 point in W if u need to avoid a projectile.

                          Go my son, practice :D


                            I don't play ember spirit but I know that late game he really needs a fairly tanky hero in the front line so that he can hang back and w. He will lose to most carries and even some semi-carries late game in a straight out fight. So late game just hang back, turn on flameguard and press w. Remember that you can use chains while you're in sleight of fist which lets you stun people while staying back.

                            In the early-mid game you can be more aggressive and just run at people with flame guard if they're alone. Most heroes only have one nuke and so wont be able to remove your flameguard. Be careful of heros like Lina who can remove flameguard since that's where a lot of your early damage comes from.

                            I can't really say more then that since I never play the hero. If you can find a game where people explain what they're doing as they play that is one of the best ways to learn. Try look at Purge's YouTube channel. Also I remember Baumi Coached a game with someone playing Ember spirit recently so that might help too.


                              Don't forget 4 slot Daedalus. D:


                                I  have  80%  win  rate  with  Ember.
                                The  most  important  thing  about  Ember  Spirit  is  BALANCE......
                                Know  when  its  good  to  go  for  last  hits  ,  balance  that  with  taking  harrass.
                                Know  when  its  good  to  fight.  You  can  have  huge  impact  in  fights.  You  do  a  lot  of  dmg  with  ur  Q  and  E  and  you  can  escape  w.  Lvl  6
                                Know  when  its  good  to  go  farm  lanes  and  push,  since  you  can  escape  as  long  as  ur  not  silenced,  you  should  always  be  pressuring  lanes  to  farm  and  make  the  enemy  defend.
                                Always  make  sure  u  have  enough  mana  to  escape  with  remnant.
                                Ember  can  fight  early  but  at  the  same  time  he  needs  items  to  be  useful  once  game  is  past  30  mins  or  so.
                                I  suggest  ring  of  Aquila  so  u  have  some  more  dmg  and  you  get  some  mana  regen,  drums  is  also  good  cuz  it  gives  you  stats  and  more  mana  to  use  more  spells  in  fights  befor  you  get.
                                Get  bfury  and  daedelus  fast. 
                                Desolater  can  mix  in  there  well  cause  you  can  reduce  entire  enemies  team  and  amplify  ur  teams  physical  dmg.
                                If  ember  gets  chain  disabled  or  silenced  he  is  fucking  DEAD.  Everytime.
                                Don't  afk  farm  ur  damage  items  if  ur  enemy  has  silence  /  disable.
                                Get  manta  to  dispel  silences.
                                Get  bkb  to  prevent  disables.
                                Basically  for  example,  if  enemy  has  an  invoker  who's  building  orchid,
                                I  would  go  boots  >  bottle  >  drums  >  battlefury  >  manta  >  daedelus  and  if  they  have  too  much  disable  get  bkb,
                                U  can  mix  in  poor  mans  shield  or  ring  of  Aquila.
                                REMEMBER.  BALANCE.
                                If  ur  gonna  gank  a  lane  from  mid,  which  Ember  is  good  at,  make  sure  you  can  kill  a  hero  before  you  walk  all  the  way  to  that  lane  just  to  fail  and  walk  back.
                                Go  for  kills  in  lane  by  maxing  q  and  e,  u  can  put  1  point  in  W  if  u  need  to  avoid  a  projectile.
                                Go  my  son,  practice  :D
