General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Offlane Meta, Lich?

New Offlane Meta, Lich? in General Discussion

    Ok Guys why isnt this seen more often?

    Solo Off Lich maxing E destroying the enemy safelane´s farm and exp being lvl 9 while he is 4-5
    Get Mek min ~10 go mid push buildings win games I mean i got 82% Winrate with that shit



      It's legit as long as they don't have good lockdown


        Denie a Creep and wait behind your tower, enemy lane will push at least 3 creeps into this tower and there you got your exp again, and pretty muhc nobody can dive the tower lvl 1 and with the lvl advantage you will crush the lane..


          Yeah you're right, there's no way in dota to avoid your safe lane to push or to deward the neutral camps used to pull if they are blocked.




              solo lich offlane is useless, particularly against people who are a bit into dota: u know, are able to keep creep equlibrium and pull. its very simple to zone solo lich out of xp range.
              fine in duals, but nowhere near "new", its a traditional offlane supp.


                Your thoughts, i won like all my lanes in ~4k Ranked as solo off lich so it seems like its not so ez to zone him out, nvm i´ll keep grinding with it :)


                  im not talking about 4k dota


                    There are easier and more fun ways to stomp games in 4k. Sure you can win the early game as Lich... but then you have to play Lich. People don't actually know how to play until high 4k so you can get away with a lot of things that aren't head to head laning strategies, things like greedy jungling with LC, lvl 3 solo Rosh with Ursa, roaming Bounty, etc. Trust me, I climbed real high with Lich and I felt like cutting myself out of boredom every game.

                    bum farto

                      solo lich offlane is useless - Keepo



                        > Random draft

                        > Russia

                        HAVOC CONFIRMED ABUSER, KEK


                          edit: кек


                            @ Red Rover:

                            The thing is, game in my bracket is often very very toxic, and you actually can´t Play Mid or Carry most of the times and i´m not the best support tbh. I play it if needed but im just not very good at it and you can often go offlane so i play offlane very often..

                            Dire Wolf

                              He's always been awesome offlane but he is super boring hero that's why no one spams him. He's fine safe or mid too cus he can frost spam anyone out of lane pretty much.