General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions about ranked games

Questions about ranked games in General Discussion

    1. I most often played in captains mode because I enjoy setting up a team to play. However, some people call me noob cause I ask them what heroes to play.

    I honestly just ask casual 2 supps, 1 offlaner/tank, midlaner and 1 hard carry... If their choice doesn't suit our team or we are lacking aoe spell or stunmer I ask them to reconsider. The reason why is to make them to play the hero that they good at.

    I think it's better than captain who doesn't communicate in drafting phase and pick for themselves. In fact, these captains are usually the worst player in the team. What do you think?

    2. I played in SEA server, sometimes I really mad because we have a carry the first pick in all pick...and come the second and third...I know we lost already...people are rude...sometimes I wondering if other server is better. What about India and South Korea? My ping is only enough for those two.


      Normal skill Captains mode is pointless.


        "tank" ...


          Dude, I don't think it's pointless. what do you think about All pick normal skill players choose? WORSE


            Dude, I don't think it's pointless. what do you think about All pick normal skill players choose? WORSE


              In fact I learn a lot about combos and stuff from this mode.

              Swap Commends

                @Mushi - not really.
                Cm is good in every tier,Note that all u need is a team where u are comfort with them and know them (by knowing I mean their strength/weak points).
                So before playing CM,u need to join or gather a team.


                  cm is retarded in normal skill, period.


                    Captains Mode is pointless in low tier games for many reasons.

                    1) Players don't necessarily know their roles. That being said, they would be playing with no idea what they are going to achieve in the game, apart from right clicking ancients when given the chance.

                    2) What you pick are not necessarily what your players can play. Given the generally small hero pool a player can handle in Normal Skill, you would rather want the wrong hero for the draft than the wrong hero for the player because the latter usually means sub-optimal contribution from the said player to the game.

                    3) Technical abilities may not be there. Farmers can't last hit. Initiators don't blink. Tankers flee from fights. They happen in low tier games.

                    4) Coordination is not there. Despite being a common problem in solo queues regardless of game mode, in low tier games it is rare that a team can work together well and have good communication, if any. A good draft on paper will not work out if the player has no idea what to do during execution. You may tell them "time to push/farm/gank/retreat/whatever" but he/she may have other things in mind.


                      Dude, what you said doesn't confirm my reality. These people know what they are doing. Doesn't it occur to you that people are learning? In the first few games sure they're learning. But I have seen 5k MMR and stuff do things wrong and stuff. the normal skill ppl you said can watch streams and stuff. NOBODY wants stay stupid and not reading guides and stuff like that.


                        Actually I am asking about communication i general of captains mode. Not about skill bracket. If you want to point that IS the difference between normal and VHS. Maybe you can point that out. What I am talking about is communication in drafting phase. Maybe your English is normal skill.


                          i dont see a thread with questions, i see a long text full of complaints


                            the problem with cm in normal mode is that you're going into it with the assumption that you can build a team that makes sense given the players you have. sometimes you get in there and the other four players on your team all only know how to spam invoker mid. sometimes you get not a single person that knows where the fuck a ward goes.

                            i stopped playing cm cause it takes fucking forever, a lot of times there's no way to build a sane team with the crazy people, and there are a billion bad captains that draft teams that make no sense. the strategy i always used for normal mode cm wasn't to ask people for specific roles, i would just say "name your three most played heroes" or "name three heroes you would like to play" and try to make a combination out of that. "who wants to be support" generally doesn't ever get an answer, but if you ask people for heroes, probably someone will mention lion or witch doctor and you go "great gj you're the support" and just pick whatever support makes sense for the game. if someone says three offlane heroes, put them offlane, and pick whatever offlane hero you want.

                            offlaner != tank :P

                            i think i'll start playing cm again now that i'm out of the shit <2k bracket and into the TOTALLY NORMAL 2k-3k bracket.


                              People on India servers know English but you'd be lucky to get 4 co-operative teammates. People on India are as salty as SEA, most of the times and you'll get called noob anyway. If you get a quiet good teammate, stick with him in lane and you'll be better off than instructing the rest of your team.


                                "Maybe your English is normal skill."

                                That escalated quickly.

                                Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                  wow not only are you playing cm in normal skill but cm in normal skill in SEA? lmao you must either be a very optimistic guy or just plain masochistic

                                  people don't even what all the heroes can do and their potential and interactions in this bracket and here you all are trying to play pro

                                  not a good idea man and you're just wasting your'll get similar knowledge just playing all pick


                                    @sunshine: "NOBODY wants stay stupid and not reading guides and stuff like that"

                                    well sadly i know some people who did exactly that..