General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat am I doing wrong?

What am I doing wrong? in General Discussion

    All bullshit aside, I've been on a 6 game losing streak for the past 3 days. Im not going to sit here and rant about how the Tidehunter from my last Meepo game refused to use ravage in team fights and instead spent all his time farming and trying to solo kill Jugg with ravage. Well, I guess I just did lol. In the end though, I just want to better myself as a player and I'd love some feedback as to what I've been doing wrong for the past 3 days. Constructive criticism is highly appreciated.
    Thank you!




              kill buildings


                a six game losing streak is pretty normal.

                team has no support:

                team is too squishy:
                also PA and AM are both: farm dependent, high physical dmg, low health, with some sort of escaping trick. slark is going to build a shadow blade anyway so he'll just build silver edge, boom, PA is fucked. clinkz is going to build orchid any way, so AM is probably just gonna get orchid sniped.

       dunno, this one looks pretty winnable, but 137 last hits on a meepo in 38 minutes isn't so hot.

       this was your omniknights first time playing omniknight. for some reason he has the second highest last hits on the game?

       io upgraded BoTs? DK+CK+Viper+AM? There's not enough farm on the map to make that lineup work. the enemy team has more utility and their roles seem a lot more clear.

       this one looks pretty winnable.

                some wacky team comps. seems like your lineups don't have a ton of utility and there's a chance you're fighting when you should be farming.

                some pattern: lots of invoker games, low invoker win rate. lots of heroes played, but they're almost all cores. if you met yourself in the game, would you both pick a position 1 core and fight over farm?

                < blank >

                  In Normal Skill this is not normal lol and mod is pointing out team mistakes but you should be the one who wins those games

                  < blank >

                    Watch some guides and figure out what you are doing wrong


                      mod is pointing out team mistakes

                      sorry i thought it was clear that i meant that in a lot of those games he's picking a core when his team doesn't need another core. a bad team composition means people made bad picks, like "the team needs a support, but i won't pick support, because that's for losers, so i'll pick another core and throw the game because i'd rather carry than win".

                      but it's hard to say, for all i know OP is picking first and the bad picks were made by their teammates.


                        scraps, i know this is offtopic but could you ask your team to consider the exchange courses for $ and € (dotabuff costs 5,99$ for US, 5,99€ for EU), and maybe introduce something like a dotabuff plus test day or so


                          A BIG thank you to scraps for some very helpful feedback. Just to clear some points up, first off I know my invoker win rate is shit compared to the number of games I have with him. That's mainly due to the fact that I started playing him about an year back and back then I had a really bad losing streak with him since I was pretty knew to him. If you looked at my more recent games with invoker, say the past 20 games, I've only lost 7 out of them.

                          Secondly I have to admit that I do almost always pick cores but this is partly due to me having absolutely no faith in my team to get much done and so I'd rather pick a core and tryhard. I can see the downsides to playing this way too and I understand it's probably something I should change to better myself as a player.

                          Finally, more often than not I pick first or second in ranked just to make my intentions of playing a core hero clear to the rest of the team but in the 1.5k mmr bracket there's nothing you can really do other than hope they speak English and pick a support or two to keep the team composition stable. This is rarely the case though.


                            I just realized we can attach FB/TWITTER/TWITCH/YOUTUBE TO OUR ACCOUTNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            THIS SHIT SHOULD BE MORE VISIBLE!

                            @Scraps FIX!!


                              Spam Invoker and you boost yourself pretty easy from Normal Skill to Very High Skill. Kappa


                                "I have to admit that I do almost always pick cores but this is partly due to me having absolutely no faith in my team to get much done and so I'd rather pick a core and tryhard"

                                this is how every deluded player thinks. the only time where you can actually say that is when you are probably at least 6k mmr, where the mmr spread between the lowest and highest rated player could be 1000 or more.

                                maybe your team does suck when you play support, but you're probably also doing a bad job of supporting your team. given that you have below 50% winrate, chances are that you're being carried by teammates more often than you being the one to carry them. and your team being (supposedly) worse than you is not a valid excuse when there are 8k players who can win 1v5 when their team is substantially worse than them.

                                at 1500 mmr players barely understand basic concepts of the game. if you can't consistently win against players like that, then you're just as bad as they are.

                                if you want to improve, the only thing that will help you is fixing your own mistakes. it doesn't matter if a teammate made 1 mistake that lost you a game, prior to that mistake there are still things that you could have done better so that the same mistake would not have changed the game's outcome.

                                it can be difficult to notice small improvements in your play, so try to focus on things are easily measurable, for example your average deaths per game, your gpm, and your building damage.

                                you say you're a core player but you average almost 7 deaths every game and have less than 400 GPM. if you're a core hero, how do you carry games without items? you can't, so get better at farming, and don't go for risky kills because the downside of dying is far greater than the upside of getting a kill. if you die less, you'll naturally have more farm anyway because you'd be spending time where you'd normally be dead, hitting creeps instead, have more items, and therefore have a better shot at carrying games.

                                also noobs love to constantly group up and teamfight early on, and the best item for that is magic wand, so buy it every single game if you're going to be in fights. this is basic advice because you don't know basic stuff. if the enemy never buy wands at 1500 mmr and you always do, it's like giving yourself a 255 HP and mana handicap ,which is huge in the early game. that can be the difference between a won or lost fight, getting a kill or getting killed, and because crap players can't farm, most of the time if they lose early game, they can't catch up and so they'll lose late game, because they'll keep trying to 5v5 the enemy, and because the enemy team has the better 5 man teamfight, they'll keep winning fights, so if you're able to win the early game more often, you're going to naturally win more games overall, just from a 465g item.

                                obviously some heroes are exceptions such as meepo, but the point still stands. I have a large amount of AM and tinker games, heroes that never buy wand, and I still end up getting wand more often than you do, not to mention the times where I get wand and end up sellling it later on which isn't counted in dotabuff stats, which would be more often than you do since you have way more games where you don't utilise all your item slots so you're not in a position to sell magic wand if you had it anyway.


                                    Can I get an analysis on mine as well? Similar question as the first post I feel like the problem is normal mmr guys aren't able to itemize/farm that well, hell I even zoned the enemy duo out but he still can't cs properly, and I don't want to first pick jug anti mage or something we'll most likely end up with 4 core or 5 core team. #thestruggle

                                    Like this match, saving my teams in fights and pushing lanes with ion creeps, but hell our huskar keeps jumping in and requesting support to back him up. He doesn't even get a halberd against the enemy right clickers even when I told him to.

                                    This on the other end typical mirana stuff early game ganks our people keep dying but I convince them we can take late with spec and farmed dusa, we (me) did it.

                                    I mean, 84cs@10min as anti mage isn't that big of a deal, but am wannabes cancer at normal? Do I just pick cores and hope to carry it out or pick supports that matter (recent success with ogres, tanky and good harass early) and hope some pudge picker rolls over the enemy team