General Discussion

General DiscussionWe all knew Dota games can be toxic - Reaching a new, bottom low lvl ...

We all knew Dota games can be toxic - Reaching a new, bottom low lvl atm? in General Discussion


    I have had streaks of 9 games in a row losses etc. Its totally, totally terrible. Never the less, iv tried to put my shit together but its just hard when:

    1. Someone insta marks mid.
    2. Lone Druid or LC pick.
    3- Non profit.

    Litteraly have had AFK;rs in every single game in the past, and super toxic ppl. And whats the worst part is that they force you into support. OR even worst, if you happen end up in Cpt Mode and all you get left for yourself is a Void wich is put solo offlane vs a ranged stun tri, and then "go support" lol.

    Never the less, What I want to ask if someone else also finds a new lvl of toxicisty coming forward. I am yet to feel this bad for the game and a break is quite close to come upon me, wich I feel bad about since i really enjoy it.

    And I end up reported by flamers that stick together. EVen tho, I have had getting new reports on my own quite few times A DAY in the recent days, at this rate, i never got new reports before, or in fact, never been down to low prio once.

    Livin' Real Good

      What the fuck is the point of this thread? What Do I learn from it? Not trying to be mean at all, but just sounds like a bunch of nonsensical complaining over things we all go through. Not sure how a " 9 loss streak " is a new low, cause some people here have been on 18 loss streaks.


        It was just a reflection over if ppl think its snowballing into a even more toxic enviroment or not.

        Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

          When i stoped being a lil toxic count all of a sudden lose streaks faded away


            0 KDA with Luna SeemsGood