General Discussion

General Discussion2GD fired

2GD fired in General Discussion
Putins Price Hike

    I found him entertaining especially during a tournament that honeslty we could host in one of our houses and have better quality.


      Why did they fire him , still havent found a reason.


        He talked shit about envy, like nonstop and was serious about it.. Imo reason enough to fire him. Was fun at times but he went yolo and completely overboard

        Dire Wolf

          you guys actually watch the commentaries? The production quality is atrocious, like I realize they probably don't have professional hair/makeup teams, but is there zero wardrobe control? Most of the guys pants don't even fit right. And they sit on couches with "throw" pillows that look like a normal pillow for sleeping, wtf are you napping in between games? Lighting is awful, and so many technical glitches, like that interview with ehome where they didn't know they were on for a minute and stood there mute.

          And most of what they say isn't ground breaking or anything beyond the obvious, that's part of why I don't watch live, bigger reason is time difference and job obviously, but being able to fast forward to actual matches is great. I like merilini cus he actually seems normal, capitalist is ok but better as an announcer, synderenn however it's spelt is better as a color guy when I can't see his face cus he seems squirrely despite having pretty decent opinions on strats.


            Merlini is my favorite I don't get how so many people/players hate him '-'


              2GD is god of entertainment, no one even comes close to him in Dota 2 world. Merlini is his total oposite, boring as hell. I could actually fall asleep listening to this guy. But he has knowledge and gives nice insight most of the time.


                do you have a vod of the talk?


                  I'm sure Valve understand the implications of cutting him midway through the tournament; something major must have happened. I'd like to think there was a good, or at least big, reason for it.


                    @Benao: People hate merlini? I have always liked the guy

                    D the Superior

                        Valve told him before they hired him he can be himself and he did that. Then they sack him for being himself. Who would understand those braindead retards.

                        Putins Price Hike

                          James was great and very entertaining for a Major that production value is shit. He kept me interested in watching people talk about dota. And screw Enternal Envy the guy is a jerk and flames everyone. Gaben is just an ass


                            well the reasons for him being fired haven't been fully revealed, and being told to "be himself" is only his side of the story, what actually happened hasn't been disclosed yet.

                            all gabe has said is that he thinks james is an ass and that they're firing the production company. he hasn't said what he did to get fired though.


                              the twitter message about EE complaining to PW was faked.


                                Is that this ridiculous new guy who was on commentary panel 1st on left?

                                D the Superior
                                  Putins Price Hike

                                    Sadman ...really. New? james answered his side in a nice long document, but very detailed. Honestly Valve has no idea what the Dota community is or wants.

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        Seriously, such a big deal is made out of this it's insane. I don't listen to the casters nor the panels so I honestly couldn't care less. Also it's their fucking company and tournament. They do whatever the fuck they want and if you don't like it, don't support them, simple as that.

                                        the realm's delight

                                          everybody does care because this is more entertaining than the majors


                                            just because you don't listen to the analyst panel doesn't mean everyone else does the same. judging from the outrage i'm guessing the majority are the opposite and did enjoy james' banter, that's what makes him a great host.

                                            "Also it's their fucking company and tournament. They do whatever the fuck they want and if you don't like it, don't support them, simple as that."
                                            yeah, they can do whatever they want. does that mean they should, or should be justified when they make bad decisions? companies that make bad decisions lose business. that's why companies don't do "whatever the fuck they want", whenever they want to, because then outrage like this happens, and then gabe makes a public statement simply calling 2gd an ass, which is just digging a deeper hole.

                                            take paid mods or diretide for example. it takes so much backlash just for valve's PR to respond and basically say "we now realise we fucked up". if people don't voice their opinion they'll probably think that they did nothing wrong


                                              also bruno being the one to tell james he's fired


                                                who is 2gd....


                                                  the britbong who hosted the first day of the major


                                                    who the hell is he anyway? He is right tho, EE sucks.

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      This is simply insane though. I have never seen such a small thing cause such a HUGE outrage that fucking Gabe himself had to come to reddit. Just a week ago they were dickriding Valve saying how good the new compendium is and how nice it is that they are listening to the community. Now though, they are digging fucking year old documents just to make Valve look like the bad guys even though those events are totally irrelevant. It seriously boogles my mind how these adult people can handle a situation worse than 5 year olda becausr 5 year olds don't fucking cry as much. And yes I'm mad and I say all these here because in reddit these fucking circlejerkes just don't listen to any valid points at all because they are just ignorant fuckers.


                                                        He came to the job completely unprepared, was unprofessional and openly flamed players in the tournament.

                                                        Well done Valve I support.

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          I'm with Sam who the eff cares. Again unless you are a deadbeat who can watch an 8 hour broadcast live you are probably watching replays and skipping through the commentary.


                                                            They sacked him cause that Ali guy (some Valve employee) has personal issues with James and i've heard (and read) that he's pretty close to Gabe and actually complained about James before Major even started. Just go and read what James wrote after it. It will give you quite nice insight into situation.


                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                              I ain't reading dat long ass shit.

                                                              saving private RTZ

                                                                Who is 2gd? you realize guys he hosted TI2, ti3 and ti4 right?

                                                                Anyway, i find quite funny the fact they fired the only person who was keeping the tournament alive


                                                                  ti3 was the best tournament ever honestly,so memorable,got me to watch dota


                                                                    Well, i did read it and it's pretty clear what happened now. During TI4 Valve fucked a lot in terms of organization and they didnt allow casters to do pretty much nothing withouth them aproving it. That Ali guy was in charge for all of that and James complained a lot (also cause he had personal issues). And that's basically the second line of what Gaben said - that they had some problems with him in the past.

                                                                    Basically that Ali guy still has some (or a lot) personal hate towars James, cause he didnt take constructive criticism like a man and at the first small mistake he went to whine to Gabe about it and they sacked him.


                                                                      idk how they didnt expect backlash when they fired one of the most liked personalities in the dota scene and probs the most loved host in the community


                                                                        he was doing a terrible job, offensively bad and he was sacked, he was actually bragging about how bad he was doing.

                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                          What was he even doing well though? As I said I didn't listen to most of it, but I heard all he did is make gay jokes and make fun of the players and even the organizers in front of the camera.


                                                                            that's james tho,he does his job the way he wants it to be done and he's always been me,he was the only reason i was watching during the pauses,extremely entertaining

                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                              That's fine, but Valve firing him is totally justifiable but all these people act like he did nothing wrong.


                                                                                depends on what you define as 'justifiable'
                                                                                they're his employer, ofc they can fire him if they want, that doesn't make it justifiable
                                                                                honestly for you to fire the major's host in the middle of the event he should have done some serious shit, and looks like he didnt do anything too bad

                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                  Ah whatever man. I had enough of this already. I honestly couldn't care less what happens further.


                                                                                    idk cant they just let merlini synderen and the chinese guy cast this shit or what


                                                                                      i just want no more sheever


                                                                                        god bless people who knows who 2gd is cz i dont




                                                                                            was i the only one who watched ti3 even tho i didnt play lmao

                                                                                            watching james made me feel super nostalgic


                                                                                              oh i just googled, turns out i know his face.

                                                                                              i know 1 thing that he always had to say something bad about envy


                                                                                                @direwolf: for someone who doesn't watch the panels, you certainly seem to know a lot about them ;)

                                                                                                I tell you what

                                                                                                  I tell you what, I wouldn't have fired him but I would have dang sure fired that production crew.. Uh huh



                                                                                                    I heard he opened his commentary on day 1 with a comment about how there is no porno channel in his hotel room xD The guy was funny as hell tho.


                                                                                                      He wasn't an employee, he was a on a contract for the job, you can fire a contract any time you want.