General Discussion

General Discussionaghanims scepter necessary on zeus?

aghanims scepter necessary on zeus? in General Discussion

    If it is, when do i get it. I always go arcane boots, aether lens, dagger, disassemble arc for octarine then refresher




        Mana Boots => Use Booster for Aether
        => Euls if enemy got invoker or silences or some shit like that
        => Aghs for survivability, mana and dmg
        => Refresher
        => Octarine

        Works pretty good for me in most games.

        @ Topic, its awesome when the enemy has lots of squsihy shit


          no, nearly never


            its like only good if u get it super fast


              Ok ty.


                it sucks

                Pom Pom 🍕

                  If you want more magic damage it's way better to get a veil, so your three other skills do more damage too. It's also half the price of an aghanim.

                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    I usually go for Bottle rush into Arcane followed by Lens, then I buy Arcane again because I used EB for Lens. Veil and Dagger afterwards. Disassemble Arcane again for BoT and OC. Refresher as a final item.

                    Occasionally I'll grab an Eul and BS.


                      veil is way better, u do more dmg with it since ur other spells get stronger as well and its cheaper

                      plz do

                        when i c my mid zeus building aghs, i die thousand deaths and throw games.

                        Miku Plays

                          Aghs approve


                            the reason it's bad is because it only increases the effectiveness of one spell that you only cast once per teamfight.

                            veil increases your team's damage, and the damage of your other spells so in a long fight where you get multiple lighting bolts and arc lightnings, the damage increase that you get from these spells (as well as the static field damage that gets upgraded too), results in more damage than getting aghanims, and is also far more useful when your ultimate is on cooldown. if your ultimate is on cooldown when a fight happens and you have aghs then that bonus damage upgrade is not doing anything. with veil though, you're not losing any damage.

                            also zeus ult isn't always used for damage, sometimes you use it for scouting smokes, seeing if the enemy are doing rosh et cetera, which means you don't always have it for the next fight, which is more reason to get veil or just mana items in general so that you can cast arc lightning and lightning bolt more times in a fight.

                            King of Low Prio

                              The item is pretty shit 95% of the time

                              Pale Mannie

                                I learned something new today
                                NO AGHS ON ZUES ANYMORE


                                  I think its only worth it if you have either spectre, bloodseeker or aa, not bad with natures prophet or to help an lc win duels, its also amazing if you're doing good and the enemy has many squishy heroes, then you pretty much close the window to a possible comeback. Anyways Veil is superior in most games, but both can be purchased... it really depends on the game.

                                  [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                                    If you want to improve your ult for teamfigths get refresher


                                      If you were able to purchase 7 slots it would be good but Zeus needs:

                                      Aether Lens/Ghost Sceptre-eBlade/Euls
                                      Blink/Force staff

                                      So he just can't spare the slot. If you have an Alchemist on your team though he's a good hero for the Alch to farm an Aghs for.


                                        zeus's aghs upgrade is not worth alch delaying other items for it. obviously an alch should buy aghs for his team if he's 6 slotted already but you wouldn't get a zeus aghs over getting another item that would benefit the alch like an AC or something.


                                          Even with alchemist, using that's agahs on yourself as an 8th slot for aditional hp/armor is better than using it on zeus.
                                          That agahs isn't on the level of nerfing your ult, like it does for OD, but it's so bad that even buying 42 sentries for an ally to sell them is a better option than buying aghs on zeus.

                                          Anyway on zeus you want:

                                          lens / bkb / hex / dagger / eul / eb

                                          lens dagger, lens eb and lens eul are best duo of item imo.

                                          if you go the bkb way, hex is most likely the best choice (but in this case it mean selling lens ofc)


                                            always. ensures extra damage for your skills.


                                              just dont


                                                Do aghs only if u have a perfect farm 10-15 mins.

                                                  RIP Kabosu

                                                    Never go aghs, you will regret it. If you want more damage go veil.

                                                    bum farto

                                                      There are much better items you can get in theory but it doesn't actually hurt to get it. If you're already snowballing and have the cash increasing your damage output while remaining largely afk doesn't do any kind of disservice to your team.

                                                      However, this is a unfavourable build as most Zeus players now tend to get deep into fights quite early, and with the introduction of Aether Lens it renders the benefits of a Sceptre practically null in fact more damage can be done with Veil+Aether than with Sceptre alone and there are obvious benefits from building the two.

                                                      Sceptre takes time to get up and it means you're easy kills for any team who is active enough and it's probably gold better invested in spell amplification and blink.