General Discussion

General DiscussionHow core is manta on juggernaut?

How core is manta on juggernaut? in General Discussion
yung griphook

    I see it picked up quite a lot. However, is this item still important if there are no silences or disables? if there are multiple, would it not be better to go linkens?

    For example I am watching waga play jug against a Morph, WD, Invoker, Ursa, Abba. Other then cask (and some invoker spells), there isn't much disable. What is the reasoning behind a manta pickup? Is it good enough to warrant a purchase just for stats/ pushing, especially given the cost? How does it compare to a drums into s&y/ sakdi/ butterfly build?

    < blank >

      is this item still important if there are no silences or disables? if there are multiple, would it not be better to go linkens?

      For multiple you go for BKB fucking FailFish


        why not just ignore all other 9 people and push buildings 4Head

        Dire Wolf

          It's not core.

          S&y is better if you are going to fight early, go for more dmg build, don't need the dispel.

          Manta is better if you are going to split push at all, go for stats build cus your illusions will hit really hard, or go for diffusal. Diffusal + manta jug is actually really strong cus he has insanely low base attack speed. If I were going drums, skadi, butter I'd definitely want manta, those illusions will hit fast and super hard with that. If you are straight rushing s&y you could go s&y, basher, abyssal.

          Manta is probably better in more cases.

          yung griphook

            thanks dire


              on the scale of not core to core, core

              Синячий патруль

                Its just should be bought in 99,999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of times

                Dire Wolf

                  I'd say like 2 out of 3 games, a few games s&y is fine, and in maybe a handful of games you don't build either. But you can't go wrong building it. Good default item build.

                  I mean there could conceivably be a game where you go mask of madness, basher, bkb, abyssal, butterfly right? Or even battlefury, bkb, more dmg like butterfly or abyssal.
