General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting into dota again

Getting into dota again in General Discussion

    So I haven't played in ~7 months. Since the day reborn came out. What's changed with the meta? OD seems extremely bullshit rn but that's about all I know. Also what new items are good? I'm seeing a lot of faerie fires being bought.

    Pale Mannie

      OD is balanced with his new meta build PTs -> (Dragon Lance if you won mid easily) -> drums -> bkb -> Blink/force -> Moonshard/AC -> Hex

      Early pushing strats are recommended

      Spectre is balanced too


        What about void? I know blink is core on him, what do you build next? Go full carry or build auras?


          OD is top meta hero atm. mainstram build is smthgn like pt/drums/blink/orchid/hex


            void is played as offlaner, whith pt/vlads/blink/aghs


              If you could, stop now. Seriously.
              Will do you good. You play in SEA man.


                Void is now played as some utility core now.

                Some meta heroes in pubs include OD, Invoker, Spectre, Enchantress, and LD.


                  Stop dude for your mental health. Seriously.

                  EZ MID 9k mmr



                      Haha I'm not gonna play ranked anymore @Sunshine. Juts gonna chill in custom/bots/unranked whenever possible with friends. Already had the worst experience of my life when I was dedicated to ranked :).


                        Good for you, I might follow your step. Anyways when we die even professional players won't mention MMR on their grave.

                        "Here lies legendary dota player 9k MMR"


                          It was seriously eating into everyday time hard. I've realised ranked is seriously just worthless and playing unranked is far more relaxing when you don't have any ladder anxiety.


                            I pretty much cut down on playing significantly about 6 months ago myself . Haven't even read a patch note in 6 months atleast either , sad thing is I reached very high skill for a bit when I finally stopped trying lol.


                              start with play guides first, then bot matches from easy to unfair. then play normal matches, custom games. once you have reached trophy 50, u can try ranked. hth

                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                Welcome but yea Dota 2 is now like APEM mode. EZ fast game under 30-40 minutes unless your team is dumb and want to mega creep the enemy. Gold comes buy with ganks and almost feel like the rubberband effect again.

                                I feel like laning phase and mid game dont' even matter this patch it's whom feeds which kill streak to whom.


                                  Ah makes sense I have been noticing some of this , I really need to read that last patch note .