General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich bounty hunter build is better?

Which bounty hunter build is better? in General Discussion

    I really enjoy playing BH as ambulance ( ) but after seeing this ( ) build I was wondering which one is better (ya I know both builds is pretty old, but I ignored this hero before and it was a discover for me). Ofk, sometimes your choice will be based on game situation, but which one is preferable in neutral situation? I'm sure that phase boots is useless in most cases, but what about deso/dagon? Or maybe deso/dagon build can be upgraded with medalion/mekansm?


      Omg your name for support BH is amazing. Blink and GG? That's an ambulance of sorts I suppose. hahaha


        I've tried both of it. When I built for mek and arc I'm a supp. Other with deso or dagon built I play myself as semi carry ganking type. But I play him as supp nowadays.


          I like greaves and sy blink :D


            I like urn > mek > blink > greaves/offering
            But i suppose dagon is good too.
            You could try urn, aether lens, dagon 1, veil, dagon max xDDD


              recently ppl play arcanes => mek => gg => whatever (hex/solar/force/blink/euls etc.)

              waku waku

                there's only problem i see with that - if you build like taht you can't really kill shit on your own and that is important. how do you deal with that?


                  it feels rly good when ur bh have greaves tbh, way more impact than dagon


                    u r position 4 support/roamer which has one and only aim - get gold for your cores. u are not suppose to kill shit solo, u actually never go solo.


                      depends on how hard u are snowballing i guess

                      Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

                        First build is definitely the better build, GG boots > medallion > blink, after that get more utility like hex/solar/linkens/lotus/halberd/whatever your team needs. BH doesn't scale well so you don't build damage on him, he isn't a nyx either so stop building like one too. GG boots are core, they purge dust and give you more resilience and teamfight presence mid-game (where you need to get a lead, that's the whole purpose of picking a BH).

                        If you really get ahead early I tend to go drums > BoT, makes your pick-off potential and map presence insane.


                          Theres a middle of the road build that is also interesting for when ur team has a mek already, with phase boot urn and aura like drum/vlad solar crest into sange&yasha

                          Dick Trouser, MD

                            the second build is awful. Not in that it doesn't get kills, but in that its incredibly easy to punish. Thats a lot of gold value on a hero that is a glorified melee creep when spotted out. The risk/reward for it is skewed. Ofc, there are games you can make it work. I'd classify it in the same category as my MoM Daedelus Crystal maiden.

                            Honestly, its a pub. Maybe just consider how much damage your team has, or how easily you can get picks with the addition of a dagon. If you cant get kills after building dagon, its a terrible build.

                            Also, there are many other options besides those two builds ofc. But hell, going full utility lets your idiot pub teammates go the stanard LOLOLOL only damage builds theyre so inclined to go.


                              tango>clarity>salves>gg branches>observer/sentry wards only way to win. ez gg wp bh

                              Синячий патруль

                                dagon for braindamaged. GG boots for elite