General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat would happen when a feeder and a griefer are on the same team?

What would happen when a feeder and a griefer are on the same team? in General Discussion

    It was just a match erm...yeah, I'm losing the game and then somehow I managed to back them off and start killing them off one-by-one and with a gem? Close your pc now, techies. but alas, I got killed by 3-man-gank with no help at all losing my gem in the process and

    Sniper? He sell everything he have and start buying a blue wards non-stop and plant it all around the base. Good job, thai idiot. (Sniper: gu thai kuy = I'm thai, d!@khead.) Ok now I see why my friends said he want to punch Dota 2 SEA players.

    and Rylai. Did you just feed them 15 times in a row with no ward planting!?




        Not complaining here but just wanted to write this because I got nothing else to do (Too emotionally drained to play DOTA 2) so yeah...


          it might be psychologically helpful for you, but still useless for those ones who read it :/. kind of emotional vampirism online 3Head.


            count that as a loss so it won't drain you. avoid the enemies and farm neutral creeps whenever possible and mute them all

            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

              The feeder and griefer are always on the same team -> they're 99% of the time the same person.