General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do i outcarry 1-2k more easily?

How do i outcarry 1-2k more easily? in General Discussion
Don't stop believin'

    i cant get out of 1,9k-2,1k mmr even tho i outcarry my opponents very hard.
    i created a smurf and got ranked like 3k and i win more matches with this account as a carry than with my main account.
    i had a lot of 20+ kill games and we lost.
    i think the biggest problem my mates got is pushing
    players in like 1-2k dont push enough and not even after won teamfights lol
    but what can i do to get out of this mmr?
    should i pick carrys with good pushing potential or heros i can 1vs5 my enemy team if my team gets rekt before the teamfight even starts =D ?


      If you think pushing is a problem, take Drow ,Sniper, LD, Lycan, ain't that simple.


        if you don't belong in your current mmr all you have to do is spam out games until you do reach a 50% winrate, because if you're better than the other 9 players you'll be winning more often than not until you reach equally skilled opponents, and if you're worse than the other 9 players you'll be losing more than 50% of your games, likewise, until you reach equally skilled opponents.

        focus on hitting buildings more. you have abyssmal tower damage even if your kda is high, it doesn't matter. if you get lots of kills you should be taking towers with the numbers advantage that you have


          See I will get lots of kills but because im the one doing the killing I'm usually to low to push


            Play ultra late game heros like dusa, spectre, morph in Low mmr cuz games always last forever and No one will ever try to stop your Farm.

            Don't stop believin'

              my profile says i got like 56% wr in ranked games but it feels like 40 % to me xD

              @ Chaoshype im not good with either one of them haha
              my best hero should be troll warlord its always an ez game when i pick him
              i get like 15 kills and 6k tower dmg every game
              but im not the type spamming 1 hero to increase my mmr


                yeah so if your winrate is 56% you shouldn't be complaining about 1 bad game you had when in the long run it doesn't matter. just keep playing and you'll increase in mmr until you reach the mmr range that reflects your skill level.

                "my best hero should be troll warlord its always an ez game when i pick him
                i get like 15 kills and 6k tower dmg every game"

                what's stopping you hitting buildings when you play with other heroes? absolutely nothing. the problem with lower skilled players is that they focus way too much on their kda when they should focus on objectives like roshan and towers.


                  You have played 20 matches this week mate with a 70% win rate. What is there to be frustrated about. You seem to be doing fine you probably don't notice your consistency is pretty good for this week.

                  I find improving at dota isn't always about your mechanics but about your concentration and the ability to question yourself in game. I find constantly talking to myself about what im doing helps a lot. Asking myself questions about what im doing helps me be aware more. This will greatly increase your performance in game.

                  Don't stop believin'

                    the problem is after a won teamfight 80% of my team goes back to the base or to jungle to farm instead of pushing
                    even when i tell them to push now the dont want to =D
                    troll got sick attack speed to destroy building by yourself same with ember and jugger
                    have u ever tried to get a 15 min tower alone with something like spectre? =D


                      Works better than with Ember.


                        Gone frob 2k to 2.5k with mix of Slark/am/pa

                        Don't stop believin'

                          i find cutting creep waves and split pushing is pretty ez with ember
                          thx for your advices until now guys
                          i think i should really lern how to play slark xD
                          only did like 2 games with him lol


                            Muting everyone on both teams during loading and ratting is the gentleman's way.
                            If it's solo MMR why wouldn't you play 1 vs the world?


                              maybe practise Nature's Prophet ???

                              People on 2 k rarely carry tp to def against rat.


                                safe lane is unplayable in sub 4k, pick mid/roamer/jungler if u want to raise mmr.

                                Синячий патруль

                                  Wow what a stories


                                    safe lane unplayable wut? if you dont have afk jungle legion im pretty sure safe lane is the way to go sub 4k.

                                    Don't stop believin'

                                      @ Lex
                                      yeah thought about it too and pravticed him in some games but im not really good with him =D
                                      against which enemy line-ups should i pick him?
                                      i always get caught when trying to rat =D


                                        idk safe lanes super random in low mmr
                                        u may or may not get a support, worst still u might get another carry armed with a quelling blade first item, or u get 2 braindead supports who dont know when to pull and dont take advantage of any openings
                                        then whats the point?
                                        ive boosted over 100+ games in that tier and thats what i feel, i think i have around 60-70% winrate for safe laners for the mmr range of 2.5-4k while playing mid slark and storm its easily close to 95%. ive had way more success playing stuff like antimage in low 4k though.
                                        whats the point of picking a safe lane carry when everytime theres going to be 2-3 more, and no one planting the wards?
                                        i much rather play lich and rape the offlane together.
