General Discussion

General DiscussionReally reporting people for KS is lame

Really reporting people for KS is lame in General Discussion

    Here's what you accomplish by reporting someone for KS:
    -you just wasted a report you could have used on legit stuff
    -you're misusing the report system for something that isn't intended

    Seriously you know how high assist gold is? Why are you even bothered by KS, especially if a carry gets the kill????

    If you really needed gold for an item feel free to KS back though.


      KS is kill secured not kill steal ;D


        Trust me, KSing isnt the reason you're in LPQ.

        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

          G.XoD I'm not in LPQ right now, but it most certainly is the thing I get reported for all the time. I don't say anything in chat, but people report me because I KS them because to them it's not even team deathmatch, it's individual 1v9 deathmatch.

          And yes, they really say "report Riki for KS" out loud so I know it's KS.


            Your build is god awful. Stop ruined teammates games with it.

            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

              If I'm 12/7/8 average I'm not ruining anyone's games.

              Pale Mannie

                Welcome to low mmr! Where everyone picks a carry! Where you get reported everywhere and anywhere! Where you can be flamed to death for ks and where everyone abandons the game after first blood!

                Riguma Borusu

                  Everyone should casually report you when the game starts because you can't have 30% winrate unless you're intentionally ruining games, which you are.


                    with 30% winrate, you are likely the reason you lose the games

                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                      I don't have a 30% winrate anymore it's 37.5%.


                        Don't listen to them. They are all the shitstain this community doesn't need. You can rush rapiers from minute 1 because it works on low MMR since they don't know jack shit of what the fuck is going on. Yeah maybe dagon is good too so don't even go boots and trust me you will become at least 4k in no time.