General Discussion

General Discussionbb + oct + aghs

bb + oct + aghs in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    People seem dismissive of this build but I haven't lost yet. Bb offlane, start is one or two tangos, stout shield, ring of prot. Then brown boots, ring of health, bassy, vanguard, treads, octarine, aghs, ac. You just run around spamming q and w and no one knows what to do.

    Incoming s&y, basher, blade mail arguments.

    Miku Plays

      wat happens if u dont get to that point?

      Village Whore

        What happens when you reach Very High Skill?


          Never tried it but on paper it looks pretty good. But it cost alot, like a hole lot before it gets any good. Maybe you are superior at bb but almost 600gpm is not going to be an average game for bristle offlane in MOST cases. But if you do get the farm I suppose the build could be cool.


            my two cents... this build works better by going arcanes into meka. You will have an excess of mana but sacrifices your tankability and auto damage. commit to the more utility esc playstyle.


              incoming OD kills you in 5 hits instead of the normal 3 for most heroes.


                Its really good in lower bracket games because people really have trouble kiting espicially a hero like BB with a slow and speed boost. Octarine I personally feel is great due to the tankiness it gives and lowers cd of quill allowing to spam more like you said. As for aghs I feel thats very situational depending on how teamfights go as there are many better items.


                  Bristle sucks


                    although its annoying to do so, Octarine/agh bristle can permanently maintain 7 stacks without a target. Without its only 5


                      Any build with Octarine core is instantly better than a build without Octarine Core. My own Bloodseeker, Sniper and Legion Commander builds also rely upon Octarine Core.

                      If you look at the hero winrates with Octarine Core it is consistently in the top 4-6 items in terms of winrate (behind aegis, rapier, gem of truesight and a recipe for some random item).

                      I would also integrate a radiance into the build. The radiance heals off the octarine core and the octarine core also heals off more and more quill sprays so you are basically running around dealing 60 damage per second, healing off it while racking up more and more damage. They can't focus you down because of bristleback and they can't not focus you because of how much aoe damage you are doing.


                            good sample size my man

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              Honestly I wonder just how retarded that Pikachu guy can get.


                                badman is building oct on bb sometimes, but i dont think aghs is good in a common game scenario



                                  My 2 cents on this, The damage output is insane. Especially in low skill brackets where supports refuse to build disables. Get rekt if u let him farm to that point really. At one point we were like holy shit we cant even 1v5 him.


                                      go shadow amulet with bb. 2nd skill, invi, 2nd skill, invi 2nd skill, invi, 2nd skill, invi 2nd skill, invi, 2nd skill, invi 2nd skill, invi, 2nd skill, invi 2nd skill, invi, 2nd skill, invi 2nd skill, invi, 2nd skill, invi 2nd skill, invi, 2nd skill, invi 2nd skill, invi, 2nd skill, invi 2nd skill, invi, 2nd skill, invi

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        yeah but -8.8 armor on entire enemy team is much bigger dps boost for your team than adding some right click to bb. Permanent stacks of enrage make up for not going dmg items.

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          Yea just go farm jungle with a mid game hero and expect to win


                                            Any build with Octarine core is instantly better than a build without Octarine Core. My own Bloodseeker, Sniper and Legion Commander builds also rely upon Octarine Core.


                                            SOLO Q ONLY

                                              The problem is the build up. I think this is what you should consider - when you are going for an aghs into octarine, you are running around with a point booster and perhaps an ogre club. At that point, you can contribute much better to your team by something like a sange or yasha - either speeding up your farm or fighting better. For most cores the components of both the items are shit and arguably you would need aghs + soulbooster before you even begin to benefit from just the tankiness of those items.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                biggest issue with bb is really mana regen though, if you can spam quills and goo you will keep stacks up for move speed and dmg and obviously quill dmg. So early soul booster won't let you spam at the level of an octarine but it will keep you sustained in a team fight.

                                                Village Whore

                                                  To be honest, bb's Int gain per lvl is off the charts... rarely will you face mana issues.

                                                  On top of that, You will be likely diving in hard with ur team after a short laning phase ( teams bound to have mana boots or two).


                                                    How do you run out of mana as bb honestly

                                                    i recently got back into him to climb mmr and never ran into those issues

                                                    vanguard is core on him and i'd never build aghs/octa over a bkb/halberd because i dont try to drag the game


                                                      I got ez rampage using bb+oct


                                                        @Op - well ur a good bb player I think , in all the 5 games the enemy had a weak carry pa or huskar and moreover I guess u shut down the carry's farm even before u got any of ur core items. You could go treads, sny, basher and Maelstrom and later into AC to have the same impact I guess. Also don't think u would win against a good slark/OD/Sven player with that build esp if they get good or just decent farm.


                                                          @ Murranji- yes get radiance and octarine on any core( esp a str core or one with illusions), it's great in farming, sustain, team fights , pushing and seizing high ground. But the problem is in the time before u get those items!! Wat is ur solution for that?