General Discussion

General DiscussionTo smurfers !

To smurfers ! in General Discussion
Meat Spinner

    Guys are u really getting avg mmr of high skill in TBD matches even though your every match till calibration is in very high skill ? I read a guy got 3.2 avg mmr even after his all matches are in VHS ! How to start with vhs tbd ? Help me out !


      get gud.
      trust me, i smurfed at least 5 accs both succesfull and not. even if you start calibrating in vhs, you can still drop 100++ avg mmr/game if youre not very good. even if you win with decent gameplay, you can still drop. seriously, calibrating at 4k+ is really hard. i mean, even if youre 3k++, it will still be hard.

      but finally and the most important, why would you even smurf. i dropped 2 times from 4k to 3k until i understood i suck and improved and finally reached ~4k with my own skill.

      Meat Spinner
        Meat Spinner

          Thanks mate ! But why would some1s matches be in high after that alot struggle in vhs in every match ? And mine friend calibrated at 4.1k being only 2.9k player ! It dint happen at his time ! Explain ?


            every game and action affects your mmr somehow. you cant have identical accounts. your friend played better/was luckier.

            there was actually an experiment of a guy and his gf that did normal games together, calibrated together. both accs played the same games, and the guy calibrated at 4k while the girl at low 3k. it does matter how you play.


              System can put you in normal/high skill bracket on first games, but it sure recognizes if you're better than that. If you stomp few games you're gonna be sent into vhs in no time.

              Wizard . SlayeR.

                Mate my main account every match are high skill bracketon the normal match. But when i MMR calibration up into VHS. I calibrate at 3.8 k

                Mr. Pickles

                  I got a friend his first match in tbd was 3.8k he tries io in all of his tbd game with bad gpm,xpm and kda and he dropped to 2.3k in the end of calibration. Lol lesson learned dont experiment heroes in tbd pick ur best and get best impact in the game


                    > even if you start calibrating in vhs, you can still drop 100++ avg mmr/game if youre not very good. even if you win with decent gameplay, you can still drop. seriously, calibrating at 4k+ is really hard. i mean, even if youre 3k++, it will still be hard.

                    ? I lost half my games and still got +100 mmr for most calibration games. You just gotta deal the most hero and tower damage on your team.


                      true dat. i still dropped mmr even winning. gameplay is what truly matters.

                      (* +)_(+ *)

                        i calibrated at 3.5k and now my record in 10 games is 2 wins 2 lose then average mmr now is 3.3k


                          get 4.0+ kda // 500 gpm, xpm+...

                          Good tower dmg and hero dmg comes with it...

                          Done. You are now 4k+

                          This account im writing here is another im doing for a friend, hope it go for 4,5+ cya


                            All my smurfs start from vh skill arround 4.4k mmr on the very first game.
                            stop talking shit about expm gpm kda and that kind of retarded things
                            its all about overall performance.

                            calibrated my smurf 2 months ago at 4.792 solo mmr

                            also here is my TBD game

                            well fuck

                            c1oud Magic

                              WHY SMURF. smh


                                Here is a question,

                                Can you go straight into calibration games and still come out at 3k MMR (if you do well). What I mean by that is to not play any other non ranked games or lobbys on that account etc


                                  D_dox ✓ doto

                                  HU4rollz 2a conta

                                    pick tinker go 40-0 all games u can go from 2000 mmr first calibration game to 4.9k. have seen it.