General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you develop dat doto "Spider-Sense"?

How do you develop dat doto "Spider-Sense"? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Is this something that can be learned or developed? or is it more just an innate talent? What other variables comes into play?

    If it can be developed, how? Is it something only experience can bring? or certain mechanics can be practiced to develop it?

    Kindly provide your thoughts pls.


      keep playing i think
      i don't think that it can be learned by any other way, i tried it as well but nobody can really explain it


        be paranoid


          You have to think continously! Look at the map at sll times and understand what it means for you and for each of the other players. Just one of your teammates going into fog releases a chain of events and you should consider all posibilities and timings! Same fan be said avout the efficiency in farming and the lane and whos more probable to react in which way when and how etc etc. Dota is a game where you analyze 24/7, being skillful at it is your so called spideer sense


            yeah what benao said basically
            but there's so many possibilites that make it almost impossible to learn mechanically, you just need to play a lot


              Being paranoid really helps. If you're pos 1, they ARE out to get you. It backfires too though, I usually don't farm fast enough unless I know I literally can't die 1v5; and when I watch pros, they often farm so far out on the map that makes me shit my panties.


                ^that is a support's job toward jungle...but hey that's so rare in pub games...most supps dont know where to's important ti ward the cliff on both sides.

                Usually we cant push 2 towers at once and ur team will get wiped.
                Unless the game is long enough and have tower damage.


                  It works 2 ways one is your intelligence and foreknowledge telling you the odds and the posibilities of getting gank is HIIIGH because of several clues you found such as missing hero, runes taken, other lanes are safe , and so in order to avoid getting ganked which you predicted you go back near your tower.

                  And...theres... emotional "predictions" , you'll get this feeling if u played too much doto or horror games , you just simply feel something is not right , something is missing, and you are sure something is coming for you, but i dont what is it or where is it, and u will go back safely to your tower

                  thats my 2 cents bra

                  SHINIGAMI HLA WAI

                    7 years of dota gifted me that 2 second glimpse. But still not enough, I know the gank is gonna be here but still die to it. Need more years to improve my spider sense T_T


                      I developed it for Halo, so I'm sure it can be developed for any game with enough play time.




                          Since i'm shittiest brood player there is i have no spider sense.


                            benao giving dota advice xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


                              I always give advice you sad fucj

                              Von Darkmoor

                                Watch map assume the worst and use sound you can hear a lot before it happens.