General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter Troll Warlord?

How to counter Troll Warlord? in General Discussion

    Pls help and I mean hero counters not strats


      AHHAHA if you're struggling against this hero pls stop playing


        How about, if you don't have genuine advice, just fucking leave?


          How about! Don't ask a question that is so piontless


            Oh yeah? Answer it then.

            Bad Intentions

              Hmmm, maybe u just faced a really gud TW man? Trolls era has long gone :]

              But disables are key to shuttin him down :]


                Troll isint that good in this PATCH b4 he was a beast with counter his just nuke the shit out of him and HB counter his attack


                  or anyone in general since he is a crap hero now


                    Bkb, Daedalus, shadow blade, helm, you have nothing to do


                      Don't see how this is an issue for you at normal skill


                        Well he was also on this Lich game on my team and he rekt the enemy team then.

                        Bad Intentions

                          Yo OP, U cant give troll the space man, gotta shut him down early mid. Troll still one of the best late game heroes out there with bkb, if not the best :]


                            Exactly he's fucking OP in team fights I can't think of a single counter to stop him, he can easily beat like 3/4 at once. Ganking in jungle never takes place in normal skill, tbh

                            Bad Intentions

                              Well, you cant sleep on him, hes the rampage guy if left unchecked :] so gotta hunt him down early mid man :]

                              Bad Intentions

                                Well, you cant sleep on him, hes the rampage guy if left unchecked :] so gotta hunt him down early mid man :]


                                  I think Jakiro is quite okay. They (?) can reduce his attack and move speed considerably with Double Breath and Liquid Fire. Ice Path is generally good disable especially for buying you some time to land those two skill.

                                  * I didn't list Macropyre because it's really unreliable.


                                    ^my last game proves you wrong.

                                    He has hard time against stuns/chainstuns.
                                    Carry: CK, Pl, slark?, sniper. Don't think anyone else has the power to man fight him unless the lead is huge.
                                    Support: Lina, lion, ogre. Shaman.


                                      bane was good against troll even in patch 6.83


                                        just dont manfight troll lol, hes among the strongest manfighters in the game


                                          slark with mkb will dumpster troll.

                                          most illusion carries also work.

                                          OD can OD him.

                                          K¡ng D¡ng-a-l¡ng

                                            razor, wind, ck, pugna, spectra, od...etc


                                              stun him, hunt him and bm him before he gets a bkb




                                                  A 5 sec bkb is enough for him to teamwipe

                                                  pls be patient very noob ...

                                                    If you ignore strats to deal with troll and focus solely on "counters", as you say, then you shouldn't be surprised with your current problem. Atm he is considered shit in the meta, and (this wouldn't matter to you since this is a strat) he is relatively easy to shut down with some early aggression.


                                                      just any disable that goes thru bkb


                                                        Windranger helped me a lot against troll during his op era, other kiting heroes are good, qop was pretty good too, sniper is good vs him but bad overall.


                                                          Any BKB piercing Disables and slows work well against him later on. Shadow Demon's Ult is pretty good for that. Also if you get aghs it applies break which utterly ruins troll. Break Disables his bash, stops him gaining fervour stacks AND removes the currents stacks he has.
                                                          Silver Edge is thus also fairly good against him. You may also need and MKB for the whirling axes miss chance.

                                                          The main thing though is to not try and manfight him. He will beat any hero in a right click battle 1 vs 1. Even possibly sven or ursa. Stun him, kite him and nuke him.


                                                            Crystal maiden dude. Cm counters everything.


                                                              Sir.swirl you really are a toxic guy aren't you? First you hate smurfs then you cry about SEA gamers and now this?
                                                              What is wrong with you dude? If you don't have anything good to say just please do not say it at all. Chaoshype is right, why comment if you don't have a genuine advice regarding this thread. You're just another scum trying to act like a pro even though you know that you're not. TBH I've watched some of your matches and it just plainly suck.


                                                                This is exactly the shit I expect to hear from a player with 43% PA winrate in normal skill


                                                                  Since you saw that correctly, you should also have seen that my last PA match was 2 months ago, when I started playing Dota. And I was spamming PA and Riki then. So, how about you take your sorry ass back where it came from, your mom's basement.
                                                                  Good day to you, sir, don't reply to my threads ever, please. :)


                                                                    Troll is shit tier in this patch you dont need to hard counter him


                                                                      You pick Witch doctor and then go
                                                                      Ooo eee oo ah ah
                                                                      Ting tang walla walla bing bang
                                                                      Ooo eee oo ah ah
                                                                      Ting tang walla walla bang bang


                                                                        If you shotgun him with a good morph build he'll either die or get really low.
                                                                        This hero is not a tank, burst damage combined with physical damage is perfect against him.
                                                                        Morphling can outcarry Troll warlord.
                                                                        A lot of people tend to keep talking about patches and shit just ignore them
                                                                        they think they're some sort of pros or something.
                                                                        meta heros my ass.
                                                                        use a decent strat to win the game, not the best heros in the patch


                                                                          just dont forgot that his axes make u miss shoots get monkey if u"r playing carry / get shiva guard if u"r tank or support and it's ez


                                                                            To those who say hes not in meta:
                                                                            At low skill levels it doant care if a hero is strong in a patch...u just need to play him good to win
                                                                            Its actually good when hes less plated bec what is a 2k player doing against a hero that he played 2 times?


                                                                              Hes only good in 1v1 situations. Try to use disables and kite him in groups. Hes a natural late game hero, try to end earlier.


                                                                                Nuker + force staff, blink dagger, kite him to hell.


                                                                                  Here you go my son. Divine knowledge.

                                                                                  Sven, Sven has 20 armor from his spell, farms faster than troll, and can burst troll down with ult.

                                                                                  Bristle back. Troll goes up to bristle, bristle turns around, takes less damage and stacks more quills on troll, when troll goes to fight other teammates, you have your goo.

                                                                                  Winter wyvern. You can make him kill one of his teammates with your ult, and you can put people in ice that makes them immune to physical damage.

                                                                                  OMNIKNIGHT DUH.

                                                                                  Abaddon, if troll focuses abadonn he will just regen. And he can protect anyone troll goes on.

                                                                                  Tidehunter. 60% damage reduction that goes thru bkb.

                                                                                  Viper with manta? Forces troll to buy blink dagger or linkens because your ult will kite him.

                                                                                  Ursa ? If troll is focusing someone else he has to Stack his number of his to so more damage, Ursa is good at interrupting him then using ult so troll can't even go on the Ursa.

                                                                                  Clinx can burst him down while he picks other targets

                                                                                  Use ur brain brother


                                                                                    Outworld devourer


                                                                                      For me, the best way to counter heroes like Troll, Ursa and PA is by burst damage and also by using Razor. Static link the shit out of their attack.


                                                                                        Timbersaw, kite him out during bkb, he feeds your reactive armor, get force staff instead of blink if he is really fed.


                                                                                          I guess lifestealer


                                                                                            Lifestealer is a good counter once you get MKB and Skull basher.

                                                                                            Stops you from missing attacks and makes you bash him.

                                                                                            The basher becomes the bashed.


                                                                                              wtf? lifestealer is super shit vs him. troll is a counter to him.

                                                                                              Sven is a little better but still bad pick. just try it in lobby lol, 6 slot vs 6 slot i guarantee sven will sit there bashed for 5 seconds and die even with 50 armor.

                                                                                              illusions heroes with mkb are all good, lots of heroes beat troll tho.


                                                                                                Tell me how bad LS is against TW when he builds those items against you.

                                                                                                Innately TW beats LS, but with the right items LS beats TW.

                                                                                                Tru fax

                                                                                                (we're talking 1v1 here obvi)

                                                                                                Don't stop believin'

                                                                                                  @ gold bird
                                                                                                  ls sucks against troll =D
                                                                                                  i used to play troll alot with a 70%+ winrate and the only heroes that annoyed me were like high magical dmg heros like qop zeus etc and sup heros with good stuns like ogre
                                                                                                  u just need to chainstun him or get some big aoe ulti dmg to keep him under control

                                                                                                  here 2 line up examples
                                                                                                  good game for troll

                                                                                                  i had a really hard time fighting these heroes


                                                                                                    I speak from my own experiences. Troll beats LS until LS buys MKB.

                                                                                                    I played a game about a month back where I was creaming their LS all game (because that's what TW does) but as soon as he got an MKB I was turned into shredded cheese. We still won, but it meant that I couldn't 1v1 LS anymore.

                                                                                                    I'm well aware that LS doesn't innately beat TW. I've said this already.

                                                                                                    Don't stop believin'

                                                                                                      yeah, but i think this can count for any fast attacking carry getting a mkb against u
                                                                                                      there are no specific spells that make ls strong against tw its just this one item and u can get it on other heroes too