Seriously see what? No links, no clinkz in your 5 previous matches. How can we know what happened? Is this other games? What is it all about?
Don't need a replay to say your trilane did very poorly if you lost to clinkz solo. He can suck to try zone out as a support with his searing arrows but I mean you have 2 stuns at, 3 when shaker hits level 3. Stun chain + desolate ez kill on clinkz he is very weak to taking damage himself.
In normal its always best to 2-1-2. When I was 2k I probably never won a trilane, there's no reason to have 2 supports standing (most of the time in 2k) right behind the carry, harrassing, drawing aggro to fuck up the lh. It's not worth to have a trilane, probably even if you're 3 stacking because it really needs to totaly shut down the solo offlaner + free farm to really be useful.
From what I see in that game shaker tried very hard to steal creeps from spectre, so with lesh solo paper support, and 2 guys fighting for creeps, its no wonder clinkz managed to own the lane.
Did you experience this. I was really pissed, when i saw this ( clink against spectre, Leshrac and shaker) . This is not way back if you get team like this. Some of 2k guys are really big noobs. I can´t wait to leave this trash tier really.