Why? USW has the best ping for me and the players there are EZ compared to USE / China / EU (anywhere) / Russia.
US East is flooded with Peruvians til you pass like 4.5k , even if you speak Spanish to them they are terrible at dota
There's no support players in US West, and a Sniper will use his ult to KS you 5 times and then bitch when you KS him once.
^ That's a rather offensive generalization. Most of the US West trolls I meet are actually English-speakers.
But anyways I rather play with people who insult me in a language I don't understand than people who insult me in a language I do understand.
I rather play with people who insult me in a language I understand than people who insult me in a language I don't understand
If they insult you in a language that you understand you know they're insulting you and it makes you tilted and salty.
If they insult you in a language you don't understand you don't know they're insulting you so you don't get tilted and salty.
You need to channel the insult into motivation to be a better player. I hear it works for lots of players such as Goethe.
The issue with SEA is that the people don't really know how to speak proper human so they usually don't say anything. Might be different as you get up into the high 1k-2k bracket but at sub 1k-1.5k they never really say anything.
I played SEA for 3 weeks last Jan when I traveled and I must say it was not as toxic as I expected given how much people hyped it up to be.
Ranking would be something like USE > SEA > USW from most toxic to least.
Closing this thread before we go into other dangerous waters. You are unhappy with your USE experience, I think that covers the issue mostly.
My suggestion to you guys: DON'T GO THERE.