General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are your GG moments in doto?

What are your GG moments in doto? in General Discussion

    Sexy girl teammate. GG

    yeah everytime there's a girl on my team that uses voice chat then i can as well just call gg and afk in fountain because the result would be the same. not even kidding

    Bad Intentions

      ^yep, theres always sumthin bout sexy pretty gals who plays dotes. GG

      you all cant carry me

        Our alce fails mid and farms for more than 30 mins GG. Left top rax till mega but still fucking GG cause enemy sniper has mid rekting towers GG



          Bad Intentions

            First time OD playas. GG

            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

              When your team has 5 carries despite you saying "i need a support", or they pick support hero and build carry and take farm anyways... wait... actually, that's every single game. no wonder why I have a 30% winrate. GG!


                I think you have low win rate because you a bad player just like me.


                  How would you know if a girl on your team is sexy though?

                  I will say that most girls who play DotA on average play worse than the guys because they panic more in teamfights and are less objective in their criticism of themselves and others.


                    I never quit, even if i rage or say gg i'm done afk or if team fucks up 100 times in a row. NEVER till the fuckin throne is dead.

                    Bad Intentions


                      Cmon mann we judge dem doto gals by their voice :D sexy voice sexy gal but still GG :]

                      Bad Intentions

                        Dats d spirit deadweight :D

                        Bad Intentions

                          Someone drunk in team. GG

                          Waku Waku

                            When ur carry refused to buy bkb even when opponent has 5 stunners. GG

                            Bad Intentions

                              A really good TB enemy. GG


                                When someone is screaming in the picking phase "Iam mid iam mid!!!" and after his first death he leaves the game.


                                  our mid dies 1 time and says "gg lol my team doesnt care about my deaths"


                                    All 5 of us in the team going full dawai cyka blyat in mic like my last Sven game
                                    GG ez +22

                                    EZ MID 9k mmr

                                      i had to take a big shit
                                      i paused
                                      they unpaused
                                      i had to play
                                      so i shit myself a lil
                                      i ask for pause
                                      i get pause
                                      insta unpause
                                      i have to play while covered in shit
                                      win eventually
                                      crabwalk to shitrum
                                      begin shit process

                                      Livin' Real Good

                                        You win a team fight for the most part, 4 of you still alive with less than 50% health, only 2 of them alive, your own your way to highground mid tower, a random sand king AGS ult comes of nowhere EVERYTIME, even when you're expecting it, and you get wiped, or are forced to back due to enemies almost about to respawn or being at 5% health.


                                          SINGLE SUPPORT SAFELANE, GG

                                          Von Darkmoor

                                            Midder misses block and idiots fight and lose and thus gives FB.
                                            Also whe it s
                                            Say "Gamemode: All Pick"

                                            Bad Intentions

                                              300ms ping with 10% packet loss. GG