General Discussion

General DiscussionPSA: if u wanna win ranked games, dont pick sniper

PSA: if u wanna win ranked games, dont pick sniper in General Discussion

    thank you


      go 2-8 on dragon knight but blame the sniper, el classico 2k

      D the Superior
        D the Superior

            ^ FUCK U OTAKU

            D the Superior
              Sacre Bleu

                Anime is a sin - joins dotabuff, 1st comment is normal skill scrub........


                  >first comment

                  D the Superior

                      meh that game whole team was shit anyway, magnus and voker bickering about mid and i was forced to offlane but not complaining about that since that sniper did better than me rofl

                      it's this other sniper who picked sniper vs a slark-invoker and expects to win, goes mid, and loses it

                      good thing the game was safe to leave cuz their AA dc'ed before runes and never conencted back lmao

                      D the Superior
                        Dire Wolf

                          offlane dk is legit, you should max dragon's blood and you are unkillable.

                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                            Do you know how OP Sniper is? He needs major nerf.

                            Pale Mannie



                                eight doobies to the face, fuck dat

                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                  Does Volvo have any plays for a Sniper nerf? I can't stand every game where Sniper buys a shadow blade and blink dagger, and then goes 6/0/0 just by ulting low health people from 2000 units away, and when we find him he shadow blades and blinks away.


                                      Dagon on sniper is very good. If they get close you can kill them very fast.


                                        When will you realize dota is not about the kills? Lol


                                          He's right you know. If you wanna win ranked games you play carry io support spectre


                                            Sniper is good, if you can play with good potitioning.. and build full damage/aspd+crit

                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                              @inx4c but sniper is the absolute KDA hero.

                                              I don't know how people could average 2.57 KDA with Sniper when he usually builds shadow blade and has a range of infinity. It's so sad.


                                                ^ Yea dude, everyone knows the way to win games is having the highest kda.

                                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                  People who pick Sniper don't want to win games, they just want to KS from fountain with ult.


                                                    ^no, seriously
                                                    Its the way to play sniper in safe range.
                                                    You cant rush with snip if you not good enough

                                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                      Yeah but a Sniper doesn't contribute with the gold he gets. He just ults low health people without doing anything beforehand.

                                                      People tell me I KS but at least I ult before I dagon. Sniper doesn't even do anything until the enemys 200 hp.

                                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                          Team? What team, it's everyone for themselves. Do you think they know that the A exists in KDA?

                                                          KDA is not Kill/Death/Assist, you can forget the death and assist))


                                                              4HEAD i really like trolls.


                                                                I've done more with Sniper in one match to help my team than you have done in all your Riki matches combined. Sniper is quite possibly one of the quickest pushers, other than NP, Lycan (among a few). Place charge on ranged creep and farm one wave, tp or go to next lane, do the same, one of the easiest ways. But you'll need invis if you want to be a pusher and not just a teamfighter.

                                                                Pale Mannie

                                                                  Magic Sniper is the real teamfighter


                                                                    Hey, Phantom Riki got a picture now.
                                                                    Also sniper is okay as long as he's not hard countered by something like Weaver or Spirit Breaker.
                                                                    Definitely does not need a nerf Riki guy. If anything needs a slight buff. :P