General Discussion

General DiscussionNew to dota-

New to dota- in General Discussion

    I have a horrible win rate.. i think i play well most of the games because i actually practiced but my teams seem to be daft and i see im placed in normal skill. how can i fix this.

    < blank >

      git gud


        @Op- Create an alt account and play ur best heroes there in the most tryhard way.

        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

          If you're new to Dota why would you expect any different?

          You know you're gonna be playing against smurfs who probably have 1000 hours or more, right? It's quite sad, but the amount of real new players vs smurfs in the low levels is very low so you will be playing against only smurfs for your first 10 or so games.

          And why would you expect to not be in normal skill if you're a new player? Things take practice, bro. I have 5 smurfs and I'm still in normal skill for all 5 of them. You can't just be new, and waltz into a game expecting to be high skill, things don't work that way. If you just start playing chess you do not expect grandmaster level)


            ^ just saw ur profile , I think u just did that!! Sad life m8


              Being new to dota you will be very bad for a while unless you are extremely talented. Fortunately for you Valve has made it possible for new players to deal with Dota's huge learning curve. The more you lose the easier your opponents get.

              But they did something else that you really need to take advantage off. They made an easier mode for you to learn first. It is called limited heroes mode. There are 110 heroes and its way to many for you to absorb quickly. Limited heroes make Dota manageable. You will begin to understand what those few heroes can do, how fast they go, how strong they are, how far they can reach to attack you. This allows you learn the basics of the game.

              Take advantage of it a play limited heroes games until you are more confident and want to try the broader range of heroes.

              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                The more you lose the easier your opponents get.

                Then why are my opponents all smurfs while my teammates are all new players?


                  Your perception of the game is not developed enough to discern the difference between good and bad play. Really the other teams against you also sucked. But you are judging them getting lucky to be good play, while you notice the errors your team makes because you want and expect to see them screw up so you can avoid noticing your own faults.

                  Besides that, you are a smurf losing games intentionally. So... really that's why you lose so much ФАНТОМ.

                  Nigga Death Fuck

                    It seems the more you win the more retarded the players your matched with get.


                      bots, ever heard of them? try them before actually going in to a real pub game


                        You say you are new to Dota and you are upset you are at normal skill? Please just play bot games ^ , then actually win more than 5 matches in your life (with good kda) and then ask things like how can I fix this. The problem is not the system or your team, start by looking at where you could improve on (by for instance watching replays).


                          you are new.. just keep playing no point to post such threads