General Discussion

General Discussion5 cancer teams in a row in ranked

5 cancer teams in a row in ranked in General Discussion

    "Riki feeder"

    -2/15 Doom
    -2/8 Lion

    Right. Riki totally fed.

    Stop saying that support is a thankless job that nobody appreciates you for.

    I play carry and nobody appreciates what I do.

    Pale Mannie

      >when i read Phantom Rikis threads


        maybe you should stop playing rank

        Borderline Insanity Dub

          Stop being cyka...

          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

            8 cancer teams now


              Ultimate team player! :)



                    learn to play more heroes lol


                      Dude, how can Dota be even fun to you, if you only play one hero, which is like the one of the most boring ones in the game? I'm baffled.

                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                        10th cancer team


                          Why do when I make thread almost nobody replies but when this guy make a post everybody just comments!

                          Mad Scientist

                            obviously he is a troll. if not then i feel bad for this guy..


                              He played 9 rankeds and lost 9 games. Of course because of his team Kappa


                                I think you lost count. It's 146th cancer team.
                                You're on the team right?

                                run it down

                                  well then
                                  i don't understand why you expect to get a amazing team when you can only play 1 hero... and the hero is riki... and you rush divine and dagon....

                                  And you wonder why you are so unlucky


                                    hey riki bro stop doing this shit... ur destroying urself.... this shit doesn't work on ranked.... however low it is

                                    Unruly Peasant Fish

                                      SERIOUSLY i see you shit post all the time yo, but i finally looked at your profile and holy shit, why the tranquil and dagon build every fucking time, like every damn time you just build a level one or two dagon. TRY STAT ITEM, like a yasha, also buy your own wards and get better. try another hero, try not buying a fucking divine, try buying your own wards, try POWER TREADS! try anything else, try it once or twice or thrice and then come complain because right now you are making yourself look bad. you should feel bad


                                        @Goethe you need to make the picture with bleeding eyes

                                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                          Almost every game they counter u, whether it's zues or slardar. Just face it playing riki and having weak lanes.


                                              it's 2 k mmr?


                                                More like 200 mmr

                                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                  It's 1.5k mmr.

                                                  And it's okay if enemy team counter me, but I just don't like being countered by my own team.

                                                  Visita Hari Danta