Its the same 2 matches and doesnt say anything about your gameplay, apart from your team stomping the other.
It is very hard to get out of 1k. Better make new account. Play normal games untill u hit HS or VHS and then calibrate. U can ezliy calibrate on 3k, and then grinding mmr with support is much ezier.
To get out of 1k u have to play core role. Mid of safe lane farm. And u have to be way better than peope on your bracket cos on 1k people dont know what is this game about.
omg ppl, u can get out of any mmr if u just play good and/or abuse ppl's stupidity while not bring stupid urself
i got calibrated at 1k too and now im 2.8k solo and 3.1k pt, and thats by queueing at sea server and playing support till 2500
sure it took me 2-3 months to do it but saying its very hard to do it and should just make a new acc is counterproductive. say ur 1k flat now, you know where u would be calibrated next? 1.5k durr
u wouldnt be CALIBRATED at an mmr u wouldnt belong to
the only way for u to play rmm at 1k mmr without being a 1ker is if the acc wasnt urs to begin with
^actually u are wrong. People who calibrate at 1k usually do this the moment they reach appropriate Trophy level when they are still noobs. Then they play unranked, get some game knowledge and struggle to grind mmr from 1k where people are total noobs and throw games. 2-3k is still low skill though.
Thats why its better to play unranked on new account untill we get HS or VHS, and then calibrate cos it takes LESS time to do that.
Im sure he would calibrate around 3k cos its very ez to do. Playing support under 3k is not much fun.
Play normal games and get better, if you feel like you improved go back to ranked again.
Learn 1 good hero that can win a game on his own and go mid. Watch pro players with particular hero(check dotabuff ranking). I think viper will work pretty good at 1k.
As potato said, play normal games and get better. If u want to grind your main or create a new acc its up to u
Lex is right. I got calibrated 1 year ago when I was ard 100+ games. Now that I'm already over 1 K games and its a constant struggle to climb the MMR.
I tried doing main but the problem is if there are no supports (80% of the time) most likely the other 4 players will be busy feeding the opposite team before I can even complete my farming. Mid is out the way mostly because every match there will be players calling mid only to end up feeding.
Maybe we should form a moral support club here.
Well if you really want to improve, the fastest way is to watch some pro players or pubstars (better in my opinion) how they play (from player's perspective) but, as a whole, supporting in 1-2k doesn't make big difference since players in this bracket don't know how to exploit the enemy's disadvantage in net worth if you win early game. If you can't get to mid or safelane - junglar is good option too since nobody bother to gank him in this bracket.
I calibrated at 700 mmr last june... I have 280 mmr now :D (<1k is hell and my life goal is to at least get to 1.5k) I don't think I play bad I just need to stop playing support in ranked games. Im sure its the same for you, just focus on the game and mute people who are annoying and plenty people are annoying in low mmr.
Don't understand me wrong. I don't say supporting is bad thing, it's just not so useful around 1k mmr
Well playing 5 carries is pretty bad too. 20% the battle is gone if the opposite team has got 1 or 2 supports.
i am 2.3k solo and 2.6k - 2.8k Party...
Most of the time i would commend heroes which are forgiving... like Wraith King or Weaver. You can make failures but have an ultimate which can compensate these mistakes. And for myself which i lack too, try to Play it safe and if you Need Vision, Place a ward yourself.
The only Thing I expect a Support to do is soak xp and mess up my lane Equilibrium.
But if he stuns and you can get a kill, whey! :)
Most of low mmr games are deciding by how much the enemy mid carries/stomps. Mostly by destroying your mid hero, or by getting kills via ganking... both are fatal... because i think the only way to compensate to Counter the 'feeded' mid are supports (at least 1, but 2 are better), that's why i appreciate playing bane, he can Counter feeded enemies really easy.
Sometimes even the offlaner (if he is clearly better than the enemy lane up) can get out of control, which only a Support can hinder... if you are playing carry you just beg that the enemy is too dumb to push to finish... so that you can farm up, hence i tend to take higher risks and getting ganked...
have phun raising stupid clowny mmr
Addition: you can only raise constantly as hard carry when you have clearly better mechanics in most games aquiring a high winrate...
And nothing is more frustrating than owning the enemy and your Team doesn't help you push to win (expect some Need 100k Gold for 6 items shit going on)....
Yea agree with you Bobbin. Its a long journey to the higher MMRs but I'm pretty sure we will get there over time with dedication and patience.
Hi Guys,
I've been in the 1 k ++ MMR bracket for a year. I've even resorted to playing up to 3 roles per game (position 3, 4, 5) in order to secure wins, provided my team do not feed excessively.
Please take a look at 2 of my matches and advise how I can increase my winning chances to get out of this bracket. Thank you.