General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i get this guy...

how do i get this guy... in General Discussion
Granite Lee

    ok so this last game...

    I had this 6.8k mmr player... who goes skywrath mid.. and he had no idea how to properly do it...
    Tranquils, veil of discord, and aether lens...
    like what the hell?

    it didnt help that my two supports (oracle and wyvern) were pure useless. but what to expect.

      Fee Too Pee

        tbh is the build really that bad?
        and i think the real problem in your last game is your draft , no carry and i do not really think viper cannot carry right click the game .

        Granite Lee

          no shit. because i got 4 retards. considering that he was a skywrath against a sniper.. not hard to win lane.
          should have had a early rod of atos.. not poor support items..
          no i dont expect 6k players to tryhard.. i expect them to win there lane and get a shit load of kills not play like fucking shit


            meanwhile you sold your items and he has more than 3 times more hero damage than you
            but yeah blame him when you ruined it lmao


            normal matchmaking, nobody cares

            Holy Roman Empire

              Your title is actually very misleading. I mean I thought it was a topic about gay dating advice.


                his build is totally legit

                Granite Lee

                  sure it is. when it did so much. yea ok. it would be decent, if he was actually supporting. but he wasn't he was a core. dumbass


                    lol u're thick or what :

                    1.nromal matchmaking
                    2.a hero he doesnt play often
                    3.still more damage than your team
                    4.would you tryhard in 1k mmr games or what?


                      and veil + seal he deals like 1000000 damage from a nuke

                      We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                        Nice winrate Kappa