General Discussion

General DiscussionIs the pro scene ruining dota for us "Casual" players?

Is the pro scene ruining dota for us "Casual" players? in General Discussion
Rand Al'Thor The Dragon

    Yes, it is one of those topics.

    So like all "Those" topics I'd like to start with saying that I have been playing dota since 2011 (5 years.. damn I got old)
    But, I'd like to say that I didn't whine after each patch saying dota is becoming different or becoming LoL or whatever stupid crap non adaptable people say, quit frankly I used to like that Dota was changing so it doesn't get boring untii the last couple of patches.

    I dunno exactly what happened but I just don't enjoy the game anymore .. the whole game feels built around 2 things now:

    1- The Pro scene .. valve doesn't care anymore about how normal pub or ranked games feel heroes get buffed and nurfed solely based on the pro scene .. if a hero has a 30% winrate in pubs or just isn't fun to play solo but is still fairly used in tournaments they won't change him
    and if a hero wrecked havoc in pubs but wasn't played in tournaments then wait for the buffs/remakes coming it's way
    E.g Techies was so annoying to play vs but they didn't touch him for months .. up until pro players learned how to abuse him then the nerf hammer hit .. and it hit so hard that he isn't even fun to play with in pubs anymore, same for Bloodseeker.

    That is not the only problem, now the updates and changes don't come as often because there are so many major tournaments and valve brings a big update every couple of months so the pro players get enough time to adapt to the changes "And screw the meta for being stale for casual players"

    Funny thing is despite how most of their efforts are focused on the pro scene I don't even enjoy watching it anymore .. from 3 years I was subscribed to like 7 dota channels on youtube .. they kept declining to the point that I am subbed to only 2 channels and I rarely watch their videos.

    2- The second thing valve focused on was making the game "Accessible" which I liked at first but more and more I noticed that being accessible didn't make bad players better.. it only brought more bad players, and yes I am not saying that I am an mlg pro and others are stupid noobs .. my rank is barely 3700 (never played ranked since I got my rank out because I am just a casual player who enjoys pubs)
    but what I am saying is dota is one of those games that needs effort and I hate playing with people who play like they have no idea.
    The more I think about it is not Valve making the game accessible .. it is just bringing more players so they get more money, I wouldn't mind if players who weren't good played with each other but the problem is in valve's effort to not just bring new players but also make them win so they don't leave the game and keep buying "Hats" and how did they do that ? you might ask .. with the Matchmaking which is something I really hate now.
    This is another problem of being focused on the Pro scene, they just don't care about what pubs anymore and how bad the matchmaking is (and there have been lots of posts complaining about it)

    I am not sure if those are the reasons for me not enjoying Dota anymore, but after thinking for a couple of weeks now this is what I came up with.
    Despite winning or losing I don't have fun playing, and the fact that a dota match is so long makes it worse.

    What do you guys/girls think? am I the only one or is valve really ruining the game and more people find that they are actually bored while playing?
    should we reach out to valve and tell them to give a shit about us?

    helpful respectful conversation please and if u're gonna say that if I hate the game I shouldn't play it then please gtfo this post isnt' for you it is for people who actually care about what dota is becoming and were passionate about the game not valve fanboys.


      its your personal problem, and u can just quit the game instead of posting stuff on forums


        all this "im not one of those who say []" shit, god, dude...

        jus chillen

          if you play less than 5 times a week then nothing should bother you

          jus chillen

            league of legends is more fast paced and more fun than dota


              Play ranked.... Nobody cares about non-ranked!!
              (Wasted my time reading that long description and writing this shit**)


                What toilet paper you use?


                  umm no
                  i think it's the other way tbh
                  there's been done so much to make 2k reddit happy


                    A guy whinning and getting his ass beat by people who play this game all the time.

                    Nothing new to see here, carry on

                      waku waku

                        what i hate is when some pro player gets famous for some shitty build and then everyone and their mother rushes to copy it to the point that you see it in 90% of the games

                        Dire Wolf

                          Huh? Valve doesn't balance solely around pros. I do hate when right after a major everyone is playing the pro meta and pro builds though like everyone railed on s&y Sven until pros started doing it now it's cool


                            yeah dude valve balances the game solely around pro meta thats why tinker got nerfed to the ground while being a tier 3 pick and hasnt been relevant for 2 years now xD

                            Miku Plays

                              Just enjoy the game?



                                  tl;dr but pro scene is not. inspires up to look up to players and try different heroes because of our idols.

                                  ex. Akke CM, Puppey Enigma, Kuroky Rubick, etc.