General Discussion

General DiscussionAnother mmr calibration thread

Another mmr calibration thread in General Discussion

    So Im sure that this will turn into a bunch of cool guys trying to troll but if anyone can answer seriously it would be appreciated.

    Did I screw myself while calibrating by playing support?

    I basically only play position 5 with some friends and I finally got to the point that I could calibrate so I thought it would be best to play my strongest hero which is Oracle. I went 7-3 in my calibration matches and had a lot of impact in the games(my team and opposing team were saying so and I got a bunch of unsolicited commends) but finished my calibration and was given a 1.3k mmr.

    I know everyone expects to calibrate to 3k or 4k because "they are so good" but I honestly feel like I screwed myself over because they seem to weigh kills much more heavily than assists and other stats you will get as a defensive support(20-30 assists, some games with 8k+ healing, constantly saving people from sure death situations. Should I stick with this account or start a new one and play carry when calibrating? I feel that I should have calibrated somewhere from 2-3k which is where my friends are.

    Kinda sucks being punished for being the guy that will do the shitty work like warding/lane control/ect.


      doesn't matter if you play support or carry.

      The way calibration works is it takes into account all of the things in the game. Hero Damage, Tower Damge, Hero healing, also things like wards bought, warded de-warded. So by playing support, you just will calibrate based on differant things.


        I understand that, the thing I have a hard time understanding is how I calibrated at the same rank as a retarded Riki that has a 30% win rate and gives away rapiers to the other team.


          Sorry 16% win rate in ranked


            Because you just as good as that Riki with 30% win rate


              Says the riki with a 30% win rate.

              So its just an aberration that I have a 57+% winrate over 130 games?

              Guess Im remaking and playing some sweet sweet 5 carry games.

              Fee Too Pee

                idk man maybe u lack in TD or team fight presense?
                when solo ranked TBD i spammed Abaddon and LC 9 win 1 lose and instant 3,5k so maybe its all about push , farm , team fight presense overall

                M1YONG PAPLO

                  u got 1k after tbd right?


                    Yes, it said TBD and the number of games I had left, finished the 10 games and it ranked me like 1310 or something close to that.

                    As far as team fighting and pushing, after like 20 mins thats all you can really do on oracle, I cant really farm neutrals efficiently(can waste all my mana on a couple camps), if I see a lane open and my team is spread ill go and soak XP but generally I am getting 20-30 assists because Im at all the team fights.

                    Basically, if we are against a solo offlane I bully the offlaner out of lane and start pulling(generally the only last hits I take are when I am pulling and I give full xp and gold to my safe lane carry). If its a dual or trilane offlane I stay in lane and babysit. Generally my safe lane carry will be the highest lvl in the game and best farmed. After I secure the lane I generally rotate mid or offlane and start ganking, most games I have multiple saves on my carries(was in a game with a really bad sniper that I saved 5-6 times and he kept yelling ORACLE GOD on his mic(sounded russian?).

                    I know they just changed some of the calibration stuff for Oracle because people were abusing the heal, it almost sounds like they broke Oracle's calibration(like heals dont count anymore?). As an Oracle all you do is set up ganks with your root, heal/save teamates, and disable/purge opponents. I generally dont get last hits because its much much better for my carries to get the kills, I will purposely stop attacking to ensure that I dont take the KS. Hard to say I am not contributing with 8k+ heals and 20-30 assists.

                    Or I am just the luckiest person in the world and was able to have a winrate 20% higher than I should over 140 games.

                    *edit* And I dont think I am an amazing player, I just dont see how I am ranked with people that dont understand the mechanics of the game lol. 1k players dont ward/deward, dont pull, cant control lane equilibrium, dont save teamates. How many 1k players carry a TP at all times and understand when to rotate?

                    I really just cant stand to play with the 1k abandoners anymore.

                    me, government hooker

                      anotha one


                        and anotha one


                          The cool guys finally showed.


                            You probably sucked early in your profile and had really low hidden MMR..

                              King of Low Prio

                                Just because you know mechanics does not make you a good player or else anyone with access to dota wiki would be 6k


                                  I agree 100% with Dragon Roost Island. 1.3k mmr lmfao


                                    70% win rate is so bad.


                                      Maybe this guy only plays party? You do know you have a hidden mmr for solo and party so try ranking with your friends and I bet it will be higher than 1.3k. You could have only played a few solo unranked games


                                        I didn't know about the hidden mmr and I played almost no solo queue games. The few that I did play would always have some retard trying to offlane spec or something so once I found my group I stopped solo queueing.


                                          Across the two smurfs I actually got as far as calibrating, it appeared my solo and party MMR were within a few hundred of eachother. If Mr. Mentosman42 is lucky, and God shined the good light on him, he might calibrate party into 1.35k. AHAEHAUHEEAHUE

                                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                            I don't care about your winrate, your attitude is shit. You keep calling me out even when I'm not there. I haven't done anything to you and you're still hating on me, what the fuck??? I haven't even played a game with you and you're already fucking judging me.


                                              Cletus if your gonna troll you should at least change your name kek


                                                What would I change my name for? I'm not trolling either, was just sharing my honest opinion.






                                                      Hey so I checked out that russian guys profile, the one that was saying he doesnt care about winrate. Yea so anyways I think he was tellin the truth cause he loses a lot of his matches, most of them, lmfao. With Riki and QoP too, not even hard heroes, lmfao. , lmfao.
                                                      I just thought you guys should know that.


                                                        We know :|

                                                        He isnt that rare of a player to come across either.

                                                        One of my 3 calibration losses has this gem in it.



                                                        40% win rate overall, 20% ranked win rate.


                                                          What's wrong with buying 6 magic sticks? I think that's really smart actually because when the first one gets full you've got 5 more ready to fill

                                                          Were you calibrating 1k? Heu

                                                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                            Did he just sell his items at the end or did he actually play with those items?


                                                              Im thinking its because I didnt know about hidden MMR. I only played 10ish solo queue games before I started playing with my friends and then I played exclusively with them so it has only effected my hidden party MMR and my hidden solo MMR was from the few solo queue games I played(which still really doesnt make sense because of those 10 games one was a 20+ kill bloodseeker game, 20+ kill tusk game, 15+ kill ember game, 2-3 dark seer games where my KDA was stupidly high(42 KDA in 3 games)).


                                                                It is exactly that, especially seeing as you have probably improved a lot since those games. Why don't you play party ranked and see how that goes? The phantom riki is trolling he doesn't even get brown boots, watch one of his games he can't even catch up to low go heroes to finish them off from invis.


                                                                  Well that sucks, took me a long time to get the 120-130 games to get into ranked because I dont get to play a ton of games per week. Either way I look at it, its going to take me 4-6 months either way(getting out of 2k or starting a new account).

                                                                  One less support in the game now.


                                                                    If you really truly believe you should be a higher mmr than 1.3k, create a new account and re-calibrate. Use the heroes you are most comfortable on, playing the roles you are most proficient at. This will get you placed at the MMR that is closest to your actual skill level. That is as cut and dry as it is. Im sorry to say but chances are you are still probably a sub 2k player. I grinded a smurf to re-calibrate because I thought the same thing and I was placed at 3800 mmr (actual mmr right now is 4.1k). The system is pretty accurate in determining your skill level from what I have seen.


                                                                      1.3k with 55% winrate. Lets say your "true" rating is arround 1.7k. Seems legit. Just get better at playing dota. Gif any 4-5k player your account and he will climb with a 70% winrate by playing support only.


                                                                        My point isnt that I think I am a 2k+ player, its the fact that a 35% overall/17% ranked winrate riki spammer was only 100 mmr behind me.

                                                                        That was just kinda mind blowing for me. He is the type of player I usually end up having to save multiple times per game.


                                                                          ive honestly never seen someone calibrate 1,3k.. u must have messed up your early unranked games.. these 10 calibration matches actualy doesnt mean that much.. if u play with 1,5k ppl and then u play 10 flawless calibration games (top gpm and all the jazz), you still gonna get max 2,2-2,5..
                                                                          btw 56% in this bracket is not that much.. and yeah playin support doesnt exactly help.. u just go down with ur carry, why risk that.. so try again, gl :)
