General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it always bad to blindly first pick a specific hero in low mmr, if...

Is it always bad to blindly first pick a specific hero in low mmr, if I want to raise mmr? Or can you do it with certain heroes. in General Discussion
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    in the 2-4k area, let's say I'm trying to go up from 2k to 4k.

    Is it always true that first picking or blindly picking first a specific hero is a bad idea? Or can't I do that with certain heroes and simply itemize and play around the opponents counter pick and stuff?

    Won't better decision making and mechanics simply end up having us win?

    I'm assuming that even with mechanics and value trades, I still need to pick core heroes due to nature of often having a 30 min nr situation where your team could end and win but they don't know better, so they sit and jungle while letting the opponent free farm with better late-game.

    An example is when our team was at a huge advantage, something like 19 to 3 in the first 12 minutes, three tier 1 on opponent side down, but then my team jungled and suicided. Other team had alchemist and spectre. We lost.

    In the worst case scenario, which happens every other match, you're left with a team that doesn't press buttons and didn't pick late-game, so they are simply going to watch you win it for them, or at least be human shields and tank some damage before you do something.

    Often times, as well, one of your teammates disconnects at the start and you have no choice but to play 4v5 the entire match.

    Does that mean I have to pick spectre or medusa and other hereos similar to tankiness and high dps or crowd dps? Or high nuke and escapability like Queen, Storm, Puck,

    Sven, bristle, medusa, spectre.

    Like, there is no way I'm going to pick Crystal Maiden and win toward higher tier, but I do have higher chances if I instead pick Spectre.

    So which is the best one? And which are the alternatives if the opponent picks it?

    Seems like the best way is to pick 1) a core 2) something that counters the other team's carry 3) has potential to snowball in nuke damage and farm with kills

    Seems like the midish heroes are less useful in situations where the other team has the crazy hard carry that is fed, so that the only way I would win is if I had an alternative crazy hard carry, but something like puck, qop, or storm won't work so well, because they have to itemize in weird things instead of physical damage.

    I notice that it doesn't matter how far ahead we get in the early or mid game, because all my team has to do is sit back and do nothing for a few minutes or die once each, and then the other team has enough levels and farm to critical mass us to death.

    This means we need insane aoe damage like Enigma, or Sven, whether physical cleave or spell combo, or hope team disables other team effectively in team fights and have a hard carry that isn't that countered by the other carry.

    It seems like Spectre is the top hero. What's the heirarchy?

    I'm only assuming Spectre is on top from the feedback I got from a 'handful' of people.


      lol, what a theory. sry cant help im a practical person, so juz do it !!

      Bad Intentions

        Game impact is all dat matters man :] just consistently get dat high impact :D


          lol, if u want to carry your team then u have to take the hardest role , which usually means offlane. If u cant win then atleast u can improve your skill instead of breaking your right mouse button. Don't rely on any hero cause it will be doomed next patch . And for your spec and medusa, you dont have 5k babysister so whether u 1k or 5k, u still feed. BTW, a roaming NS can take lead of teammates more
          easily than an AFK farming medusa, so u should try making some noticable impact to the game .

          waku waku

            you'll get countered if you pick an easily counterable hero
            spectre isn't that though


              Pick Medusa

              Enemy pick AM Invoker Lion KotL

              Spectre is better hardcarry choice. Her laning stage suck though, compared to Medusa


                Just 1st pick doesnt matter

                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  I 1st pick Riki.


                    I mean don't first pick meepo or something, but most for most heroes counter picks aren't a huge deal.

                    Fee Too Pee

                      Spectre and OD is a legit first pick. literally no real counter for them

                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                        Just 1st pick Sniper and then force your team to pick 4 strength heroes to support you.

                        Pudge pulls them in, Earthshaker stuns them, and then they back off for you to ult.


                          Spam any hero you want. You will go up as long as you are good. A bunch of 6-7k MMR think they know how to play dota and try to counter w33's Meepo and you know what? w33 rekt them and reach 8k.


                            Oh and Badman, he just spam Spectre, and may be you already knew that he reached 8k9 MMR. Enemy team are 7k all, try to counter him and got rekt by him.