General Discussion

General Discussionzeus!!

zeus!! in General Discussion

    just start playing zeus after looking for ppl skill n item build ... can some1 tell if my zeus is decent? any others alternative item i can buy..


      I assume you're playing mid Zeus? (judging from the last 2 games)

      I think going 2-2-1 in the laning stage is more beneficial for lasthitting. In general I like your item build, although against the likes of PA/Invoker, I think a Ghost Scepter is strong too after Blink+Aether

      Looks good so far imo


        get a starting items of 2 clarity then bottle then aether veil and blink.. ez win.. check my zeus games hahaha

        me, government hooker

          q-e-q-w-w-r or q-e-w-w-w-r
          aether lens - veil - blink (or eul if needed) - whatever (bots are good, octarine into refresher is good too, mb hex, dagon ethereal etc)


            what if you pick leshrac and build him in similar way (arcanes lens veil bloodstone)


              my starting item 2 branch 2 clarity n tango then bottle > veil > aether lense > blink > octarine , veil 1st or aether lense 1st is better? for me i feel veil is better , where zeus can be online so fast ... n i know how to position well ...


                I would go 1 3 1
                For the lane is a bottle a must have and if u have more hp then mana go soulring with mana boots
                Euls is strong for mana pool and regen (u can easy get a bonus bolt with the aktive)
                Getting and lens is impressive for only 1,3k I think (taking manabooster of the boots)
                Later a staff or a blink dagger is good but these 2 are situational
                An angha is pretty week so you can getter for a bloodstone or an octa
                If your behind a veil is strong(this u can even get infront, but u get soon in trouble with item slots)
                In fights u want to use ur ult first to maximise the dmg (no bkbs aktive no one is dead) then u stay in medium lines with out lens and in back lines with it
                To catch up or all back use ur mobility item

                me, government hooker

                  lens 1st is better
                  u need arcanes to spam spells early they give u 250 mana and 135 every min while veil gives 18 int which is 234 mana. then u ofc disassemble into lens (i usually then get arcanes again). if u meant arcanes into veil i still think its not as good as lens first cause with lens u have the bonus range on both veil and ur spells which makes it safer to spam spells on ur enemy. u cant go in with veil only that early on because youre still super squishy


                    I have played a bit of zeus and I usually go for veil before lens because I wanna keep the mana boots for longer, you can get them again but idk, I also love getting the helm of iron against quas exort voker, it definetly makes a difference when hes hitting you with forge spirits, I'd probably go aether first if I'm facing an OD since that hero scares me so fucking much that I wanna be as far from him as posible.
                    Aghanims is usually not worth buying, but if you're winning and you have a global strat it's a pretty good item if you get it soon at around 25 minutes, however if games are hard you're better going for survability/mobility items.
                    Euls is really good when enemy carry has only 5 sec bkb as he will try to initiate on you with bkb on and you can just waste half of it, also very good against popular sven (dodge stun, kite).
                    If you have veil and blink and you have no idea what to buy, I really recommend getting dagon even if it sounds stupid, if you do a full combo on any hero you're most likely gonna kill him instantly and the fight is gonna be 4 v 5 before it even started.

                    det skjuts foer lite punkt

                      level zeuz Q E W W W R W Q Q Q E and so on. aeter lens before veil blink dagger after that maybe euls depends how the game is and what heroes ur playing octrarine core always.


                        Leshark is a lot different from zeus because his ultimate is pretty low range and he needs to be in close range to deal all of his damage. This is compared to Zeus who sits 900 range away - ie basically he's a magical Sniper.

                        My build on Zeus has been arcanes - aether lens - veil - blink or force (depending on if you need aggression or defensive positiong) - octarine core - boots of travel - refresher (though we usually win before I get this). You can switch in a more defensive item like ghost sceptre or euls in before octarine if you need it. Have gone 16/18 games this patch. Both of the losses were because of my team - in one I had a both an AM and Medusa pick and the AM was very shit and had a bad timing on his battlefury so no pressure could be applied and there was never a single gank mid so the enemy Alch got a 10 minute radiance and the enemy just pushed all lanes in and ran over us. Moronic team mates.

                        The other loss was from the one where I had a dazzle who announced at the beginning he was happy for -25 and trolled by buying no support items and went offlane and stole farm from the lone druid and we had a last pick riki to go with the first pick tiny which tilted me completely out of my fucking mind and I accidentally fed to the enemy mid qop since I didn't realise she had a faerie fire because I hadn't checked her items etc etc.

                        Those games turned my 72% success rate on Zeus down to a 66% success rate, and people say that you are the cause of your own losses, that's a complete lie.